Uncertain Reassurance

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"She's fine"

Jimins POV

"Oh thank God!" I heaved out, but wait, why did he have to say this privately??

"Uh, why did you have to-"

"Pull you over? Because there's a hunch."


"Well, you see, she hit her head so...when she made the impact, it caused damage." The doctor slowly said, I stood there still processing what he said, yet he continued.

"She hit so hard that it caused major damage, so until we get some vaccines and medicine, you'll have to keep her updated on everything."

"What do you mean?"

"She has short-term memory loss."

Short-term....memory loss? But- but...gosh, I'm so irresponsible! God, I have people to take care of and I senselessly drank, crashed on the couch and just.. ugh! Stupid stupid stupid-

"Don't worry." The doctor said, he gave me a weary smile, some-what trying to reassure me. "It isn't your fault, and I'm sure with our new high-tech, we'll be able to find something in no time!" He said, now smiling a little more confidently.

That smile didn't reach your eyes.

"Thanks." I said, barely above a whisper. I just want to go home. I'm so tired and scared.

"Oh, by the way, my name is Dr. Cooper." He said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Jimin, Park Jimin." I mumble while shaking his hand gently. "Well, be safe, you and your friends are free to visit, but visiting hours end at 10:00pm. Be safe!" Dr. Cooper said, waving and walking away, he coat swaying behind him as he walked into the busy isle of doctors rummaging around whole typing and writing things down.

Everything went too fast. It felt unreal, the beeping noises and chatter of nurses, doctors, and other patients or people became muffled as I teared up. I slowly sat down on a waiting chair, processing everything I was just told. I sat their for a few minutes until my phone vibrated, indicating I received a message.

Taehyung: Hey. You ok?

Jimin: Yeah, I'm alright.

Taehyung: ok...I know your not but I won't pressure. By the way, where's Yura and that Jackson kid? I didn't even see them when we woke up.

Jimin: oh? I didn't notice, I don't know, maybe they went home?

Taehyung: What ever. It doesn't concern me. Well, we're gonna go visit Y/n, Dr. Cooper said we could. I'll give you some time, come when ever your ready! Love ya~💕

Jimin: Ok, Love you too. ❤️

I slowly sat up in my seat and sighed, staring at the ceiling. 'Hmm..' I thought to myself as I watched a fan go around in a never ending circle.

"Rough night?"

"Ah! Oh- it's just you. Yeah.. it's pretty bad. What are you doing here Soojim?" I asked him, he smiled a sad smile and sat next to me. Soojim has been my best friend for the longest time, I haven't seen him in a long time. Well I seen him last week, still a long time! I like his tattoos!

 Well I seen him last week, still a long time! I like his tattoos!

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"My mom is sick.." Soojim whispered whiled looking at his hands intertwined together as his elbows softly rested on his thighs.


He frowned. If theirs one thing I know about Soojim is that he may look like a bad boy, but he's a real big softy and super sweet, him and his boyfriend are so cute.

His boyfriends name is Junyeon

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His boyfriends name is Junyeon. He has a baby faced look, he's so adorable, but he's sassy. "So, why are you here Chim?" Soojim asked, I sighed and began to explain everything to him, from adopting a hybrid to now. He gave me a sad yet reassuring look, "well, if anything happens or if you need someone to talk to, you know I'm here." Soojim said and hugged me, I smiled and hugged him back.

"So~ You And Taehyung~" Soojim quirked, wiggling his eyebrows, and smirking. "Oh my gosh shut up! Was my posts with him that obvious?!" I squealed lightly punching his arm, my cheeks suddenly blooming red, he chuckled rubbing his arm.

"I mean, you and him looked like y'all were so close to kissing that I thought y'all were married!" He said laughing loudly, softly laying his hand on my shoulder while laughing, hunching over. "Shush!" I whined to him, my cheeks changing to a darker shade of red.

"But seriously, no jokes, are y'all...you know? A thing yet?" He questioned, I looked down, "well...it's complicated." I mumbled while twiddling with my fingers. Soojim smiles at me and pats my back. "It's ok, hey, wanna get some coffee, but in about thirty minutes, I need to go home to Junyeon. Ok?" Soojim said while standing up and stretching. I nodded and straightened out my oversized jacket.

Nah, I'll wrinkle it, straight is weird. Pfft- no pun intended.

Taehyungs POV:

Ok...Soojim. Junyeon wouldn't appreciate you flirting with his cousin.

Dialing Yunjeon:


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