Doggies and Drinks

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Jackson and Yura both went up to Bangtan Quarters (Bts' and Y/n's home), knocking on the door.

"I'll get it-"

"No Y/n-ah stranger danger! I'll get it!" Jimin interrupted Y/n from talking. Yura and Jackson both heard, Jackson not caring at all while Yura cringed, rolling her eyes.

"Hello, welcome to Bangtan Quarters- uh? What the mochi are you doing here? And who's that?!" Jimin said, glaring at Yura, pure hate leaking from his aura.

Yura ignored the rudeness and smiled innocently, her hot pink lipstick stretching along with her lips. "Im came here to apologize for being so uh...rude.. before. We got off on the wrong foot and i'd like to start over!" Yura explained.

Jimin didn't take any of her crap. You see, Jimin is a wise boy, he has this crazy sixth sense to know everything especially if your lying.

"And who's the boy?"

"Oh this is my friend Jackson! I just wanted to help Y/n make friends by letting her meet another Hybrid!"

Still not taking her crap.

"Give me a second." He said in a monotone and closed the door.

"Boys we gotta problem." Jimin said, getting Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok in the room.

The three Hybrids were both confused. "What happened?" Jin asked, suddenly Namjoon glared at the door, shifting into his animal form. He growled at it and barked, "Kim Namjoon! Why are you doibg that?!" Jin said with shock laced in his voice.

"He's growling at what's behind the door." Jungkook deadpanned with an attitude. Now that they were looking at all their hybrids, all of her claws were out and they looked like they were trying to shoot fire lazers at the door.

"Well what's behind the door?" Yoongi asked, "Yura..and a boy?" Jungkook said quizzically. "Wait then why are the Hybrids mad they never knew about-"

"I told them." Jungkook deadpanned once again. "Seriously.. now we have to deal with these kids going on rampage" Yoongi sighed.

Jimin smirked. "Nope. I got a plan!" Jimin chimed. "Oh?"

"The plan is...."

Yura was getting impatient. She thought they were gonna leave her outside.
Jackson growled in annoyance. "Where the heck are those pretty boys? Were they just too good for us or something? Is dying their hair more impor-"

"Come on in! Welcome to bangtan quaters!" Jimin came back again smiling sweetly.

"Oh! Ok! Thank you Jimin" Yura smirked as she slid herself inside, dragging Jackson along with her.

"Hi Yura" Jungkook said, forcing his signature bunny smile.

"Oppa!!" Yura squealed and hugged him, Jungkook swore to himself up and down he almost gagged. "H-hey! Haha.." Jungkook fake laughed. "Where's Y/n I brought over a Hybrid friend of mine, I was wondering if she would like to meet him!" Yura said, not noticing the two offended Hybrids behind her until she turned around.

"Oh? And who are these cuties?" Yura said petting Hoseok on the head. Hoseok snapped at her, growling. Yura screeched and jumped back. Slowly inching away from the pissy Pomeranian pup.

"That's Hoseok, he's a Hybrid and so is the other one. That's Namjoon. They don't like to be referred to as pet or animals." Yoongi said with a 'wasn't that obviously' tone. Yura's smiled faltered alittle, thinking her plan may not work.

"We're supposed to act nice now stop!" Jimin whispered to the three cranky people known as Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi.

"Hmph." Yoongi huffed out and went to his room, picking up Hoseok and leaving.

"Ok..." Jimin mumbled. Yura glanced around then she seen her target.

"Mast- Oppa what was that noise?" Y/n mumbled, rubbing her eyes yawnging. "Oh it was just nothing sweetheart ok?" Jimin said rubbing her back gently while blushing at the name oppa. "Jimin hyung, im gonna order pizza you want some?" Taehyung said from their kitchen.

"Yes please! Get two cheese and two pepperoni and maybe a 2Lt coke?" Jimin said. Taehyung mumbled an 'ok' and started the call.

"Now." Yura mouthed to Jackson.

Jackson walked up to Y/n and shoved Jimin away by 'accident' and smiled at Y/n. "Hi! Im Jackson and I'm a dog Hybrid!" Jackson said with an overly excited tone. Jimin scoffed while almost jumping on the Hybrid, but he decided to go his room since he ripped his shirt, when Jackson shoved him, he shoved him into a sharp end of a table and it caught his shirt.

Jackson looked down and seen Y/n's face. His cheeks suddenly grew very warm and he shyly twiddled his fingers.

"What's your name?" Jackson mumbled.

"Y/n." The kitten Hybrid spoke softly. Jungkook stared at everything happening and glared at Jackson, but Jackson being a dog Hybrid , sensed it and looked at him. Jackson threw a cocky smirk his way and suddenly hugged Y/n making direct eye contact with Jungkook the whole time.
Jungkook was leaking with jealousy and anger, ignoring the annoying girl, Yura talking his ear off. He stared at the scene in pure rage. Everyone knew he was gonna explode, even Hoseok sensed it from afar, so he formed into his human form letting his fluffy curled tail lay still behind him and his little fluffy ears twitch from time to time. He dragged Jungkook in the room with him and Yoongi, and all while Yura was gawking at the overly attractive Hybrid.

Y/n froze and looked at Namjoon for help. Namjoon sensed this quickly and went to his kitten in distress immediately. He formed into his human form, ears twitching and his big fluffy tail swaying sharply in annoyance, canine teeth on full display.

Namjoon jerked Jackson by the back of his color, not noticing his strength and accidentally yanked him alittle too far, making Jackson stumble and fall right on top of Yura who was practically drooling at all the attractive men and Hybrids around her.

Yura screamed then whined in pain when she unintentionally saved Jacksons fall. 

"Oops." Namjoon said with sarcasm. Jimin rushed over to the scene quickly helping both Jackson and Yura up, trying his hardest not to cry from laughing. "O-oh Namjoon! Why- pff- would you do that!" Jimin said facing the opposite of Yura and Jackson, hiding his face, showing his closed eye smile, Namjoon also smiled showing his dimples. "It was an accident"

Jin blushed and stared at his cute Hybrid acting like a father towards the little kitten in her human form. "Aw my Joonie, were you angry at Jackson for scaring Y/n-ah?" Jin teased?, "yes, I was." Namjoon replied glaring at Jackson who was cowering behind Yura who was also terrified of the wolf Hybrid showing his canines.

Namjoon back hugged Y/n and stared at Jin. "Jiminie, im hungry is their any food?" Y/n asked quietly to Jimin. "Actually yes!" Taehyung answered for Jimin as he opened the door bringing in pizza and a bag.


"Drinks anyone?"

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