It Was An Accident (Teaser)

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It was too late.

They crashed.

Jungkook was fine somehow but he didn't know why.

"Y-y/n?" Jungkook mumbled wiping the blood off of his mouth.



No response.

Sirens filled the air, Jungkook looked down and seen Y/n's lifeless body, pale, cold, no breath, limp on his chest. He doesn't remember but she formed into her hybrid form, somehow saving Jungkook from the impact.


"Sir calm down, we'll get you out. Steady your breathing and check her heart rate." A man spoke.



Jungkook was spooked. He shakily put two fingers under her ear (human ear), and checked her heart rate. "She's steady but it seems her heart is slowing down- w-what do I d-do?!" Jungkook cried out, tears streaming down his eyes.

"Calm down."

Connection [Hybrid/Jungkook x Hybrid/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now