🎊🎈🎆Happy New Year Special🎆🎈🎊

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It was late December, a day before New Years and the boys were getting ready to party like no tomorrow, Jin and Yoongi we're still waiting to get their Hybrids which would only be in a day, they were excited to say the least for New Year and to get their overly cute hybrids. Right now Jimin and Taehyung stuck Y/n and Jungkook into the guest room with all their toys and blankets and their other necessities.

"Hyung could you help me with this?" Taehyung yelled out to get Jimins attention, right now Tae was struggling to fix the candies into a baggy without them slipping out of his hands because his hand were wet from cleaning of the table with a wet rag. "Ah, of course" Jimin said making his way to Tae and ruffling his hair. "Crap..." Yoongi mumbled, he dropped the snack bowl made of glass and it shattered, "Aish, really??" Jin said making his way to his frustrated friend, "it slipped gosh" Yoongi said, rolling his eyes. The glass shards shattered over his bare feet causing blood to seep out of the males feet. Hissing he gripped onto the counter besides him whining. "Jin get me the first aid kit now" Yoongi demanded, "ok, and its hyung to you mister" "yeah yeah what ever" Yoongi retorted.

Jin made his way into the guest room where he left the first aid kit at, opening the door. "Ok where is- WHAT IN THE MOTHER OF FOOD?!!" Jin screeched. He freaked out and was ready to faint when look at the mess. Yes. A mess.
{twenty minutes before}
"You two be good" Taehyung smiles, Jimin was laying in the bed practically suffocating his poor Kitten to death. She let out a muffled meow, "oh sorry y/n, you're just so cute" Jimin said. Jungkook was in his Hybrid form just walking around and staring in curiosity, "oh. Hyung, what's that?" Jungkook pointed towards Jimins phone, "something we use to keep in contact if we're not near each other Kookie" Taehyung said to his Hybrid, "I see..." Jungkook mumbled. "Ah, I've never heard a peep out of y/n. I've never even heard her talk!" Jimin whined. She turned towards Kookie and her ear twitches, 'Jungkook, should I?' She thought, their ear twitching was a secret way of communicating, Jungkook smiled and twitched his ear back, 'yeah, you should.' Jungkook thought while walking to the kitten laying on Jimins stomach. 'Ok' was left and she formed into a Hybrid. "H-hi master..." Y/n squeaked out quietly. Now Jimin was a kind and innocent cinnamon roll but something about hearing the words 'master' coming out of a feminine voice and retorting towards him, it caused a deep blush to creep on his cheeks, y/n shifted on his lap and looked at Jungkook and stretched her arms out to him, y/n normally went to Jungkook for safety when she felt nervous. Jungkook plucked her off of Jimins now tight pants and easily held her with his muscles flexing slightly, y/n wrapped her little arms and legs around his mid back and his neck. "Kookie, I don't think he likes me anymore, don't let him send me back..." y/n said on the verge of tears. Jungkook rubbed her back and stroked her hair after while supporting her under her thighs to keep her up while he comforts y/n.

Jimin quickly got up and frowned, "of course I do, I love you y/n-ah" Jimin said while trying to reach out to his Hybrid but Jungkook jerked back and glared at Jimin with a deadly glint in his eyes, "you made kitty cry..." Jungkook said with a deep voice and deadly stare, ears twitching uncontrollably in anger, "shh..." he added on softly to y/n. Taehyung stifled his laughter and grabbed the scared little Jimins hands and smiled at him. "Seems like they need each other, lets go it's ok." Tae reassures his Hyung. "Ok..." Jimin pouts and smiles sadly at y/n. "Bye bye master.." she said. "A-ahh..just call me oppa ok?" Jimin said blushing while fixing his pants. Tae and Jimin both walked out and closed the door.

Jungkook was angry. Very. "Kookie...it's ok" y/n said softly. "He said he loves me" she added while running her delicate fingers through his soft black hair. Jungkook growled and licked her neck. It's a rabbits way to show love and trust towards someone. "Ok.." he sighed in annoyance. He layed each other down on the bed and cuddled y/n. "So wanna check out the room?" Jungkook said smiling his pearly whites at y/n. "Yeah" she said excitedly. They both got up and began to look at things. "Ohh~ what's this??" Y/n said in curiosity, she pulled on a handle shaped thing and it moved back on her. It was a closet door. A whole bunch of clothes came tumbling out and spreading out of the room. "Kookie what is that?" Y/n asked, ignoring the mess on the floor and staring at the thing in Jungkook's hand, he read the title, "coond...dom?..Condom?" Jungkook said and pulled one out of the box, it was in yellow wrapping and a little circle in the bag. "Hmm..." Jungkook hummed and ripped it with his teeth. Y/n jumped back as the clear like circle plopped out of the bag and onto the floor near her feet. She picked it up and stared at it. 'What the hell is it...?' The female thought to herself, she pulled at it and the so called 'condom' stretched slightly. "Oh?" Jungkook said with wide curious eyes. "Oh!! I know!! It's a balloon? You know the ones miss Yeona used to blow into and the light thingies would bounce around while me and you played with it?" Y/n said happily. They sat on the floor both playing with their own condom balloon and picked at it and stretched it out, they spent about five minutes playing with it until both Jungkook and Y/n yawned and stretched. "I'm tired.." y/n mumbled, she pulled the little pet blankets her owner bought her and made them a pallet on the floor then used Jungkooks blankets as an extra layer. She grabbed the pillows off the bed and layed them down, Jungkook threw his shirt off and layed down on the pallet while y/n grabbed the big blanket off of the bed and layed it on both of them. She turned her back on Jungkook and he held her waists, cradling her and licking her neck constantly until she fell asleep, causing her to form back into kitten form and Jungkook turned into bunny and cuddled her again, closing his eyes and sleeping.

{present time}

"Oh....cheese and crackers..." Jimin mumbled staring at the mess and the cute animals sleeping while cuddling in the middle of the mess. They looked down and noticed to stretched out condoms on the floor. "OH MY GOSH" Tae yelled. "YAH!!! IF YOUR RABBIT DID SOMETHING TO MY BABY THEN I WILL MURDER YOU AND YOUR LITTLE GREY AND WHITE FLUFF BALL!!" Jimin screeched. Tae picked up the stretched condoms and stared at them. "Nah, they were just playing with them, theirs no semen, and I don't feel any slimy-ness on it." Taehyung said, Jimin sighed a big breathe he didn't even know he was holding.

Suddenly they seen Yoongi running to them with party hats on his head and a beer in his hand, "HAPPY NEW YEARSSS- sss..." Yoongi said but stopped when he seen the condom in Tae's hand and looked at the two sleeping animals on the floor before fainting. Jin caught him just in time and sighed, "can't believe it's actually 2019.." Jin said smiling. "Happy New Years?? What's that?" Y/n said while sitting up in her Hybrid form.

Part one completed 🎊🎊HAPPY NEW YEARS 🎆🎊🎈🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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