Truth be told

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A/n: (to those who actually read these, cheers to you)I'm sorry I haven't been a good author, I went to the beach today and it's like midnight right now and I have a horrible sun burn and I feel like I should go to the hospital because it's never been this bad. I can't even move without wanting to scream. I have very sensitive skin so this is a fright to me. Anyways I stayed up extra late, please enjoy...

Jungkook was centimeters away from Yura, his ears quickly picked up on the door opening and Y/n's scent quickly whiffed through his nose. He got up as quick as lightening and looked at Y/n's hurt expression. She looked like a child who's ice cream got stolen.

"Y/n-ah..." Jungkook softly muttered with is ears going limp and his twitching tail staying still. She ran upstairs to her room and slammed the door harshly.

"That cat is so stupidly dramatic that it makes me pity her future." Yura said with boredom in her tone. That's what snapped the boys and set them on fire. "And your make up is so overly used that I thought you were a Barbie doll for a minute.." Yoongi seethed. Jimin nodded, "yeah your so fake you make Barbie look real!" He inquired. Taehyung cackled. Jungkook glared at the now shocked girl.

"Get your dang 10 inch heels, make up bag, stripper clothes, and get the heck out of my house young lady!" Jin said. Yura smirked, "or what, your cute when your mad." She teased.

Last straw.

Jungkook slung the girl over his shoulder making her squeal and grabbed her stuff and literally threw her out the door and threw her stuff right at her. "Step foot at this house, go anywhere near my friends or Y/n and that'll be the last time you ever see day light! Got it?" Jungkook growled with the harshest glare he could pull. With that, he slammed the door harshly in her face not even waiting for a response.

They got angry because they know Y/n is sensitive and she cares for Jungkook so it hurt her because she felt replaced.


It's been a week since the incident and Y/n still wouldn't go out of her room. She wouldn't even answer the calls from Min-Seo.

Y/n's little ears flickered in shame, her tail barely moving as she sunk into her bed.

'I've been replaced.'

The poor hybrid thought as she teared up for the second time today. She didn't understand why she was so hurt over this. She sat their, silent tears running down her rosy cheeks. "Why...." she spoke out loud, she threw her bunny plushie that Jungkook bought her and broke out into a sob.

Just then their was a knock on her door. "Ca-can I come in?" She heard Jimins voice waver through the door. Y/n opened her door but slammed it right back shut as she saw Jungkook with him as well, with his head held in shame. "No, n-not now." Y/n spoke, she still wasn't ready to talk to him, it still hurt her deeply to know she's been replaced by the only person she could relate to.


"N-NO! I said n-"

"I want to tell you what happened that day with Yura.."

Y/n stood there for a minute. What could he mean? She seen everything there is to see. What is there to explain? She thought for a moment then opened the door. Jungkook a breathe of relief and walked in, sitting himself at then edge of her bed. "So the truth?" She questioned him while sitting away from him on her mini couch.

"Well, before you came here.."

~before they came back~

Jungkook was annoyed to say the least, Taehyung just taught him how to play a fun game and now this Yura chick was up his tail the whole time, making it a lot harder to focus. "Yah! Just stop running your mouth, jeez it's like a broken disk on replay." Jungkook complained. The girl let out a small 'hmph' before smirking again.

Yura reapplied her lip stick back on for what seemed like the 100th time today, made her way over to Jungkook and sat right on his lap. Jungkook got pissed, "Yah! Move, I can't see!" He whined more, "aww, but Oppa you haven't given your guest any attention and that's not nice~" she pouted, "eww don't do that.." he snarled. Yura snatched the remote, patience thinning and tried to forcefully kiss Jungkook.

Fortunately for him and unfortunately for her, Jungkook has fast reflexes so he grabbed her wrist and threw her to the couch before she could even come an inch near his lips. "Leave me alone! I don't even like you and I never will!" He yelled at her, raising his voice more and more with each word. Yura smirked, "you turn me on when your angry.." she teased. Jungkook got down to eye level, centimeters apart from her face, and snarled, "if you pull this bull crap again I swear I'll-" Jungkooks sentence was cut short by hearing the door open thanks to his sharp senses, and heard Y/n squealing and laughing. It was soon cut short when she saw how Jungkook and Yura looked, satisfying the pinned-down girl once more, knowing she ruined any chance of them ever happening.

~back to present~

"I knew you'd get the wrong idea the moment you walked in.." Jungkook sighed after spilling the whole truth to Y/n.

Y/n's whole being began to fill up with immediate guilt. She felt really bad for ignoring Jungkook who was only trying to explain what really happened. "I'm...I'm so sorry for not listening to you, or giving you a chance to explain...I feel like a jerk.." Y/n frowned.

"No no! It's ok, I'd be pretty hurt too if I seen something like that with someone I care about.." Jungkook said softly. Y/n formed in her kitten form and clawed her way up to her comfy bed and layed on Jungkooks thighs purring softly. Jungkook softly stroked her back and scratched gently under her chin, erupting louder purrs from the little animal on his thighs.



"WHY ARE YOU IN MY DRESSERS!?" Taehyung retorted.

"Because! I left my sweater in here." Jimin whined out, "so you go in my room without my permission, and then go through my dressers??!!" Taehyung whined, "yeah!!" Jimin said back.

Jin heard all the commotion and decided he needed to step in.

"What is tarnation is going on??"

Connection [Hybrid/Jungkook x Hybrid/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now