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Author pov: (eyyyyywassup)

Y/n was simply eating a tuna sandwich (eww.) while watching Taehyung teach Jungkook how to play over watch. To say Jungkook was a fast leaner was an understatement. This kid legit didn't even need to listen to Taehyung, he snatched the remote and won for Taehyung.

"Yah what the hell? How are you better than me?!" Tae whined out while his blond hair bounced along with his head that was shaking. "I don't know Hyung, I'm sorry.." Jungkook said. He thought he did something wrong. "It's ok"

Suddenly the door bursts and in come this weird girl screaming at the top of her lungs about how her nail polish just got scrapped by opening her car door.

"KOOKIE!!!" The female screeched loudly, causing y/n to wince and her ears to flatten against her head.

'Who is that?' Y/n thought as she tried to sniff her without being rude about it, but all she could smell was her overly used strong perfume that she predicted that she sprayed over a thousand times on her before coming here. Y/n scrunched her nose up in an unsatisfying way, cringing at the clingy female that was hugging all over the obvious uncomfortable bunny squeezing the remote control.

"Oh? Who is she?" The random female said with sass laced in her tone as she pointed at Y/n with a frown and staring down at the cat Hybrid who shyly got up and walked towards the girl, the random female was strangely taller.

'What are those things she's wearing on her feet, they're taller than Yoongi's fingers?!' Y/n thought in shock.

"Hello, my name is Y/n. Nice to meet you miss..?" Y/n said carrying out the 'miss' to imply that she wanted to know her name. "Yura. Kim Yura." The female said as she didn't shake Y/n's hand that was out for Yura to do so. She just stared at Y/n like some alien.

Taehyung suddenly cleared his throat. "Y/n-ah, this is Jungkook's new friend he met when I took him to the mall with me yesterday. We seen her at the food court so we- I...decided Jungkook should make some friends." Taehyung explained to the little Y/n now cuddling with Jungkook on the couch while poking one of his twitching ears.

Yura didn't like that at all.

"Oh,ok! Hey Yura would you like to- ahh!" Y/n was cut short from asking her if she wanted to get
some snacks with her, as Yura shoved her off the couch and sat right where she was, "So Oppa would you like to cuddle and play over watch?" Yura asked while batting her mascara covered eyelashes cutely at Jungkook.

The said bunny cringed at the word 'Oppa' but spoke nothing of it and nodded his head. Yura squealed loudly again causing Y/n to wince even more as she rubbed her now sore but from colliding on the ground. Fortunately Taehyung caught on that Yura didn't like Y/n and Y/n was too oblivious or kind to notice.

Taehyung wanted Jungkook to make friends, but he made the mistake by introducing the bunny to this rude girl. Taehyung started to dislike the make up obsessed female as she tried to push Y/n away rudely, who was only trying to be nice and make new friends.

"Ah, Y/n, would you like to hang out with me today? It seems Jungkook is alittle busy at the moment." Taehyung said kindly to the poor cat who was frowning in pain from falling off the couch.

"Yeah you should go, Kookie only wants to hang out with me, he doesn't need you now." The girl smiled nicely in sarcasm at the hurt little Y/n, staring back at the blank Jungkook focused on the game.


Taehyung glared at the female who smiled at him innocently then turned back around to hang all over Jungkook again who obviously tensed when she touched him. Y/n frowned and looked down with sad eyes, she believed Yura. "Yeah sure. S-sorry for bothering." Y/n mumbled and looked at Taehyung, forcing a pained smile.

"Where to?" She asked Tae. He looked at her sadly and rubbed her back. Taehyung was mad at himself for just sitting their and not standing up for the sad Hybrid in front of him.

"Anywhere you'd like sweety. And if you want then I can get Jimin to come along" Taehyung said in hopes of cheering up Y/n.

It worked.

"REALLY?!? YAYYYYY! Let's go let's go!" Y/n screeched while running past Yura and Jungkook up the stairs to Jimins room.

"JIMIIIIIIIIIN!!!!" Y/n yelled while jumped on top of the peaceful Jimin on his bed who was now screaming from shock. "AHH!  What are you hurt? Where? Who? WHEN? WHO DO I HAVE TO KIL.."

"No Jimin, Taehyung said he's gonna take us out and he said he'd take me anywhere!" Y/n squeaked in excitement causing Jimin to coo at the Hybrid koala hugging him at the moment.

Soon they headed down stairs and Yura caught sight of the two attractive males Taehyung and Jimin both cooing at Y/n's little happy dance she did on her way out the door. "You know Kookie Oppa, I didn't notice how attractive you and your friends are, I should come over more often." Yura said with a seductive smirk on her cake splattered face.

"You should not come over more often. I'm scared you get make up smeared all over our nice clean house and ruin our lives." Jimin said with sass, walking out hand in hand with Tae and Y/n, leaving the girl speechless and jealous. "Hmph, I'm too pretty for him to be that way, he'll come crawling back, isn't that right Kookie Oppa?" Yura asked batting her eye lashes again. 

"I'd hope not, but whatever floats your boat so....sureee." Jungkook said rolling his eyes. Yura poured but smirked after words.

'Don't you worry Oppas, all I have to do is get rid of that street cat and you're all mine!"

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