The Last Time Together...

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Jaune sat down in his teams room. They were out getting ready for the coming battle. Jaune had different clothes on, it was a full set of armor. It was mostly white, it had the Arc symbol on it which was yellow, but Jaune wasn't an Arc, so he painted the two crescent moons black.

He looked at himself in the mirror, then there was a knock at the door, "come in!" Jaune yelled, and as the door opened the person who walked in was Jonathan

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He looked at himself in the mirror, then there was a knock at the door, "come in!" Jaune yelled, and as the door opened the person who walked in was Jonathan. "Jaune...You painted the moons black? Why?" Jonathan asked his son, Jaune looked at his Father "I'm not an Arc..." Then Jonathan looked down and then walked to one of the beds and sat down, Jonathan was wearing armor that Knights would wear in movies, "sit down Jaune" Jonathan told Jaune, Jaune sat down on a bed across from his father, "Jaune....You may not have my name, but you have my blood" Jonathan told Jaune, "Your friend Yang told me you know the name of your mother.... Jaune I lied to you...." Jonathan told him "lied to me about what?" Jaune asked "I do remember what your mother looks like....She had beautiful orange hair, her eyes were...They were the strangest color but yet they were hypnotic...." Jonathan said with calmness in her voice, "what color were eyes?" Jaune asked "they were Silver...Like your friend Ruby's" Jonathan told him, Jaune looked down at the floor then back at his father "it wasn't just a one time thing with my mother was it?" "No, it wasn't...Jaune...There's a lot of things I still need to tell you..." Jonathan said "but not now...We're going to war after all..." Jonathan finished "is my mother alive? Does she know how I am? Does she know what I've been doing?....Does she care?" Jaune asked Jonathan "tell you what...Next time we see each other, I'll talk about your mother....I promise.... Till then go and lead your army" Jonathan told him, Jaune nodded and left the room with his father. Raven and her tribe were building a wall and they were in charge of fighting off the Grimm, James and winter were in their ships, they were charge of fighting the other Atlas fleet, Qrow and Tai were in charge of fighting off the Mistral army, Jonathan and the arc town soldiers were in charge of fighting off the White Fang, while the students were back up should anyone need assistance, the teams were not just from beacon but from the other academys as well, The leading team was JNPR with team RWBBY second in command, the teams that joined them were, CFVY, SSSN, CRDL, ABRN, BRNZ, NDGO, FNKI, two girls named Penny polendina and Ciel Soleil. Jaune walked into an empty class room, there standing was what student's called, "the Beacon Army" which was held only 39 people consisting of the teams listed. "So what's the plan Jaune?" Asked Coco, "we fight, and we don't let our enemy's in, not a single damn one" Jaune said with serious in his voice the room cheered, "we will be called when we are needed but until then we will protect beacon from any surprise attacks, understood?" Jaune asked everyone and they agreed, "now... I know we all have family's....I must also tell you that we might not just be killing Grimm...." Jaune began looking at the room "I want everyone to make sure they can handle taking another person life....If you feel like you can't your not a coward...But please leave, none of you should become killers...But if you think you can handle it, taking another life, then stay and fight" Jaune said, he looked at the teams and not one moved to leave, "I will also tell you that if you have any loved ones, please give then a call....We don't know if were all gonna make it out of here alive...." Jaune told them, they all moved into certain spots to call their loved ones. Jaune looked at them and knew that this was gonna affect them, all of them, this was not combat class, this was war, and as Roman once told him, nobody wins in a war. Vernal looked at Jaune, she knew he was right and she wanted to at least have one more moment with him, just in case. She walked up to Jaune and gave him a kiss, "Jaune... Meet me in my teams room in 3 minutes" she told him and she exited the classroom.

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