a Night Beyond The Wall

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Jaune, Blake, Ren and Nora were getting ready to go beyond the wall for the first time. They grabbed their weapons but they noticed that Ren had a sword, it was made out of damascus steel, the blade was straight and had red ribbons at the bottom of the hilt as well as green on the handle with black leather grip.

 They grabbed their weapons but they noticed that Ren had a sword, it was made out of damascus steel, the blade was straight and had red ribbons at the bottom of the hilt as well as green on the handle with black leather grip

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He holstered StormFlower and as well put a dagger in his boot, "Ren when did you get the sword?" Jaune asked "oh! I forget I didn't tell you. High Commander Campbell gave me this sword, said it was from my home town" Ren finished but he kinda had a sad tone at the end, "well it fits you, and so does that dagger, when did you get that anyways?" Blake said "I've actually always had it, it was my fathers, its made from and old meteor that struck Remnant and Kuroyuri had finally got is hand on some and forged a dagger, my father had won it in a contest and past it down to me" he said with more of a sad tone, there was an awkward silence for a minute then Jaune loaded White Raven and looked to his friends "well... Let's get going we don't have all day" Jaune said with a smile and they all smiled and grabbed their things. As they left they saw Ilia was their waiting for them "Commander Ilia" Jaune said "commander Black" Ilia replied and then looking at the four of them, "I see we have 3 commanders and Three lieutenants coming, good" and then she motioned them to follow her, they did and arrived in the court yard where Gwen was with her sword buckled to her side and a bluish coat on her back. Gwen turned to see both Jaune and Ilia walking to her, "good your both here. Here's the plan when we get beyond the wall, we will head for Misty Falls and wait for Commander Qhorin Halfhand, with his men, there Jaune and I mean only Jaune and ten other soldiers will go with Commander Qhorin and hunt down any remaining White Fang or Sliver hands that could still be in the area" Gwen said "high Commander why can't we go with Jaune?" Nora asked "we can't afford him losing his Lieutenants if he should die or if Blake should die, we need someone taking over the rangers after all" Gwen said "now get to your Sabertooth's and start the engines, were going soon" she said and they followed her orders. They approached the transportation they would use to get threw the sandy and the vast land outside, a sabertooth was a Van like var but longer and able to hold 20 people in the back, it was flexible and had two spikes in it wheels thus the name sabertooth(think of a bus but with its roof torn off and spikes on the wheels). They all got on and were waiting for the Commander to give the order to leave.
as they were about 100 miles away from the wall they stopped and everyone got out and rested. Jaune and his men were eating while Ren helped cook the food. Then a man with a beard came to Jaune, "the High Commander wants you to come to her tent in the morning, she has just received word that Captain Qhorin Halfhand is on his way here" he said to Jaune "tell her that I'll be there" Jaune told him and the man nodded and left. Jaune had ordered his men to put up their tents as night began to fall.

Jaune was just done saying good night to Ren and Nora and he was on his way to his tent. He got to it and began to take off his armor and get ready for bed, but someone else had other plans for Jaune, as he was about to lay down he heard someone approach his tent, he looked to see that it was Blake, "Jaune can I come in?" She asked "yeah" he replied and Blake walked in and she sat down across from Jaune "so what ya need?" Jaune asked her, but instead of an answer Blake smashed her lips into his, Jaune didn't fight back, he loved it, Blake then slid her tongue in his mouth and Jaune then did the same, as they parted a string of saliva connected them, "I need you" she said and Blake and jaune be can to kiss, Jaune slowly moved to her neck. He kissed Blake's neck softly at first before biting down, This earned him a soft moan as she bit her lips. "Naughty…" she whispered in Jaune's ear, It seemed he had found a weak spot and he continued to kiss on it slowly. His hands seemed to move on their own and as they got a feel of her breasts. Even through her clothing they felt nice and soft.
He felt his neck tingle as Blake bit down on his neck this time and kissed it, her nails then deeply scratched his back and she was able to break the skin. blood slowly dripping out. Each kiss jaune gave her was sending shivers down her spine. "I never thought you would be able to do this to me" Blake said and then she moaned This was the type of situation he was used to being in that's for sure. Blake smiled as hints of excitement for Jaune, Her amber eyes seemed to glow a bit brighter. Blake slowly pulled her shirt off. A lacy black bra greeted him. It seemed to hug her mounds just right. She had such smooth pale skin he could barely take it. Her arms reached back and slowly pulled off the bra and exposing her milky white tits. The way her amber eyes looked up into his blue eyes, why it was almost breathtaking, he loved the look in her eyes and the way her cat ears occasionally twitched, it was another turn on for the blonde, Jaune took off his pants while Blake stood up and quickly pulled off her pants but left her heels on. She had a black thong that looked amazing on her, "Jaune... You made me like this....You make me feel so good" she said softly "you to Blake...I feel the same" he said and then Blake put Jaune's hard cock inside her and began to bounce up and down. The night was filled with their moans and cries of pleasure....

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