Darkness is Here Pt.2

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The northern army looks worried. Ilia and Oscar listen to the whistling wind. The Sun is on edge. Mercury and Sienna stand tense and ready. Whitley grips his sword. Roman takes a breath. In front of the Xiao-Long, Arslan's face twists in anger. Neptune puts on his helmet. The wind blows stronger. A soft patter becomes a rumble of running feet as the undead army starts to boil forth the darkness, running at full tilt. Once visible, they come in like a tidal wave! The army take their braced battle stance, guns pointed forward. The army of Hybrids crashes over them, shrieking and snarling. They stab and slice the army as they barrel through. Merucy and the Sienna, stand just off to the side with the southern army. They marvel at the sheer force and number of the undead. Then undead wave reaches them as well. Ilia, Osacr and their company brace for the coming onslaught.

"Stand your ground!" Ilia croed

The undead crash into their cadre at full speed and the battle is joined. Osacar begins to fight, Cutting and killing some Hybrids with Ilia by his side. Lyanna swings her flaming sword. The undead land gruesome blows to the Army. Cinder begins to burn more hybrids and making glass weapons with fire spouting from them. Mercury shoots and kicks the hybrids as well as cutting hybrids all over the place. Ilia is knocked off her feet by a speeding Hybrids and is trapped in a crowd of the undead. Oscar notices her and leaps to help. He pieces the Hybrids that tackled Ilia and throws them aside. Just then, The dragons above shoot forth a wall of flame as they dive past, disintegrating the hord of Hybrids. Oscar looks up at the dragons.

Yang, Riding Raven, ascend as the inferno below them burns. Yang surveys the battle from above as she looks for her next line of attack. However, the rush of Hybrids continues. Sienna dispatches some of them. Behind him, Raven and Dia breath crossing walls of fire. Jaune rides Dia above the devastation they have unleashed, taking stock of the battle

Neptune slices a stabs a mouthless Hybrid. Raven spews forth an arc of flame. Dia joins in. Weiss and Joan take in the power of the dragons, and the enormity of the undead army.

Jaune and Yang fly side-by-side, away from Arktown. When the plain meets the woods, Jaune sees the mounted hybrid Chieftains. He and Yang exchange a look, and then dive towards their enemy. The Cheiftains notice the approaching dragons. Suddenly, a ferocious gale of blowing snow rolls out from the woods, enveloping Jaune and Yang. Jaune loses his bearings and flys to remain aloft, Yang, however, rips through the undead below with Raven's fire, then struggles against the great storm. Weiss and Joan do not like the way the battle is going. Sun grunts as he dispatches another weight. Behind him, Neptune and Arslan fight their own foes. The arctic blast from the woods reaches them, and visibility worsens. Sienna and Sage kill more hybrids but the blizzard hits them.

Ruby, Neo, team RNZ and NDGO with Maria guard the three relics. The snow blast reaches them and their company, and creates a whiteout.

Qrow turns around and rides back through the ongoing fight, dismembering a hybrid with one great swing, then another. Roman kills three hybrids and then gets sliced on the rib, he tunrs and kills the hybrid, his face is bloodied and he looks exhausted. Qrow pivots but a hybrid tackles him from behind, and he falls off his motorcycle, He rolls to his feet and continues to battle. Nearby, Ilia grunts as she cuts through her assailants. She tries to catch her breath, but a Hybrid attacks before she can. Sun's berserk attacks are brutal and effective, but he is also out of breath. Whitley is overwhelmed by three hybrids and gets tackled but is saved by Mercury. Oscar pushes away the Hybrid that tries to take him down. Lyann and Roman also fight in the fray. A Hybrid leaps through the air and wraps itself around Oscar, he tries to shake it off, another Hybrids tackles him. He shouts and slays an undead fighter. Whitley circles behind him, but is taken down by another leaping Hybrid.

"Help! Help!" Oscar cries as he struggles to push off the Hybrid

another hybrid jumps on Oscar, pinning him to the ground on his back. he fights with all he has to stop the undead's blade from forcing into his skull. Penny saves Oscar by stabbing the hybrid through the back, his sense slow as exhaustion takes over.

"get up!" Penny cried, she grabs Oscar and pulls him to his feet.

"thank you" Oscar told her

Whitley kills the Hybrid ontop of him and goes to Penny and Oscar

As Oscar regains his strength, Penny is stabbed from behind, a sword sticking out from her chest, Oil spews from her mouth as she gasps and staggers.

"No!" Whitley cried as he ran and kills more Hybrids around him

Oscar grabs Penny and slowly lowers her body to the ground. Oscar gets up and slits open a Hybrids stomach. The two boys kill more and more hybrids. More Hybrids charge in and sage kills four in a row with his sword. Cinder burns more and more, but she becomes exsasted. Sun jumps off the heads of two hybrids and shoots four, killing them. Soldiers begins firing the dust canons and mounted guns, but they are quickly dragged away and killed...

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