Ready for War!

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chatter is heard as people forge the weapons made of Moonstone. Oscar walks, dumping Moonstone into a pot. He then walks up to furnace and pulls out some Moonstone, molding it and then dousing it in a bucket of water. Neo walks towards him. As the steam rises from the bucket she catches his eye.

"Don't you have something better to do?" Oscar sighed

"You make my weapon yet?" Neo asked

"Just as soon as I'm done making a few thousand of these" Oscar said, showing her small Moonstone Axe.

"You should make mine first. And make sure it's stronger than this" Neo said grabbing the Axe

Oscar grabs the axe and brings it down harshly on a wooden stump.

"It's strong enough," Oscar told her

Neo smiles and Oscar rolls his eyes and moves to a pile of Moonstone bullets, Neo follows him.

"It's going to be safer down in the basement, you know," Neo told him

"Are you going to be down in the basement?" Oscar asked her

"No, be--"

"Because you're a fighter. and so am I" Oscar said walking away

All of the Southerners are busy building defenses in preparation for the army of the dead as Roman walks past, he then sees Neo approaching him. the two stop and face one another

"Well, here we are," Neo said

"here we are" Roman replied "Together again"

A man, walking next to them, clears his throat and then spits on the floor beside them.

"And the masses rejoice," Neo told him

the two walked together despite the last time they saw each other was when Neo stabbed him in the leg.

"So... we're going to die at Arktown?" Neo asked

"maybe" Roman replied

"Not the death I would've chosen. I always pictured myself dying in my own bed, maybe by a new young assassin, or maybe even by--"

"Jaune" Roman finished for her

Neo nodded "yet, he allowed me to live and also forgave you" Neo replied, "have you spoken to him at all?" Neo asked

"not since we went into Vert," Roman told her

they then stopped and looked to the huge castles of Arktown.

"I remember when we were kids, we always wanted to live in a place like this from the stories our parents use to read to us," Neo told Roman

Roman nodded. He remembered the days when they were younger, wanting a better life than living on that old farm with their family, they loved their family, don't get them wrong, but the two always wanted something better...

"You ever think about going back? to Burnswick farms?" Neo asked

"No" Roman replied, "I think the lives we already have are enough... and we might not even go back..." Roman said walking away.

Neo looked at him and smiled, she looked back to the towers and then saw a window with Whitley looking out of it. She smiled and walked to the tower.

Yang walked to a room and knocked on the door. it opened to reveal Joan Arc.

"Queen Yang," Joan said

"Please just Yang, I was hoping we could talk alone?" Yang asked

Joan let her in and Joan sat on her bed, while Yang sat in a chair.

"so what did you want to talk to me about?" Joan asked

"I can't help but feel you don't like me a lot, and I was wondering why," Yang asked

"Oh! I'm sorry I gave that impression, it's just that, I don't really know you and well, the last time someone from the north came here I lost a sister" Joan replied "but I can see that you are helping us now, so sorry about that"

"but it isn't just that huh? it's Jaune huh?" Yang asked

Joan sighed and nodded with a guilty smile "He loves you, you know that" Joan replied,

"does that bother you?" Yang asked

"No, it's just I'm his older sister and He's my only brother and I'm very protective of him. I just don't want someone who manipulates him or... Stabs him in the heart" Joan finished

Yang nodded in understanding "All my life, I've taken care of my little sister Ruby, I understand that I've also wanted to live my life to the fullest. when this war started I only had one goal, the Vale Throne. Taking back the home from the people who destroyed my family, and almost destroyed yours. My war was against them" Yang told Joan "Until Jaune, He had always known what was right, Even when we were all young and stupid. Now I'm here, helping to fight Jaune's war alongside him. Tell me, who manipulated whom?" Yang chuckled

Joan chuckled as well, "I should have thanked you the moment you arrived," Joan said "I should also thank you for loving Jaune, He's already lost so much"

"I'm here because I love him and I trust him, and I know he's true to his word. He's only the guy in my life I can say that about" Yang said

they smiled and Joan begins to talk about Jaune when he was a kid...

the gates are opened as with Mercury, Sienna, Ilia, and Nora enter the city. Jaune, Yang, Ruby, Weiss, Sun, and Neptune see them and goes to greet them. Jaune Hugs Sienna and Goes to hug Ilia but before he can embrace her, Nora hugs him first.

"I thought we'd lost you," Jaune told them

"Almost," Nora said with a smiled

"how'd you get here?" Yang asked them

"We had to travel around the Hybrid's to get here. Whoever's not here now is with them" Ilia told her

"How long do we have?" Ruby asked

"I'd say about a day or two, three if we're lucky," Ilia told her

Jaune turns to them all, "get everything ready. we don't have a lot of time..." Jaune told them

soldiers jog around the walls of Arktown. Soldiers are removing Moonstone weapons from carriages and handing to other soldiers passing them along. Oscar walks to Velvet and hands her the new weapons that she asked for. Xiao-Long soldiers signal Bullheads to drop and plant the Dust Canons on certain parts of Arktowns walls, More soldiers march out of the gates to the Dust Canons on the ground. The Mistral and Atlas Soldiers ride along the outside of the wall in Warthogs as they passed the trench of spikes used to defend from the Army of the Dead.

In the throne room, a large table has a map and layout of Arktown laid out over it, with various markers placed outside the castle. Standing around the table is Jaune, Yang, Ruby, Weiss, Nora, Neptune, Sun, Arslan, Sage, Flynt, Neon, Winter, Lyanna, Kali, Qrow, Whitley, Oscar, Velvet, Roman, and Neo. they were getting ready to plan their attack...

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