The Battle For Vale Pt.2

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the three armies ran and scattered through Vale, Killing any Vale soldiers that attacked, Everyone firing their weapons. Above, Yang with Raven flies along the wall and destroys another part of the Wall. Salem listens to the sounds of destruction - the rumbling explosions and the screeching roar of Raven.

Arslan walks through the battlefield, stunned by the carnage. In the distance, more Arc soldiers rush towards the battle. All of them killing anything that stood in their way, Shooting off the dust rifles and throwing explosives into buildings, The City was burning, and Arslan had helped.

A guard approached Salem, but Salem stopped him from whatever he was about to say

"All we need is one good shot," Salem told him

"But your grace, The Dragon-Slayers have all been destroyed! The Fleet is burning, the gates have been breached!"

"Our men will fight harder than any Huntsman ever could. They will defend their queen to the last man" Salem said with a snarl "I was the one who took Vale, I made it fall, but it won't fall today"

Winter leads Jaune, Flynt, Neo, and Whitley along with the force of each armies soldiers through the charred and burning streets of Vale. Bodies are strewn everywhere. A Vale soldier tries to set upon Flynt, but he shoots the man in the chest. Other soldiers make futile attacks that are quickly dispatched by Jaune and Neo. the streets begin to become empty and clear. As they make their way closer to the so-called palace of Salem, Winter, Flynt, Jaune, Neo, and Whitley reach a crowd of Vale soldiers, they all stand in front of their own mixed armies, facing the Vale soldiers. The two sides take a measure of each other, neither making a move.

Arslan passes through a burning wall, making her way among piles of charred bodies. Ahead of her, she sees some soldiers clear the streets. Beyond them is the bell tower.

Neptune runs through the streets and alleys until he reaches a sewer line and opens it up and begins to make his way through the underground to get to the palace.

Salem continues to survey the battle, she looks down to see Vale Soldiers look up to Yang riding Raven and diving towards them. Raven roars and the panic ensues as the soldiers begin to run, desperate and terrified.

"Run! Run! Come on!" cried one soldier

Then Raven lands on top of a building and roars at the soldiers who are trapped before her. all becomes quiet, Jaune and the leader of the Vale battalion stare at one another. The leader of the soldiers hears the powerful roar. He seems to lose faith as he looks at the men around him. He drops his Rifle in surrender. The rest of the battalion follows suit, the message spreading through the troops behind him.

"Ring the bells!" He commanded

Raven snarls as Yang listen to the people below. Salem listens to the cries from below, stone-faced. Arslan waits for a reaction to the people's cries, she looks up to where Yang and Raven are perched. Salem now begins considers her options, Yang waits and listens, she is getting more anxious. The bell near the keep remains still. Arslan stares at the bell, pleading with her eyes. It sways and begins to ring, Arslan thanked the gods that the bells rang. Jaune hears the one bell ringing. It is joined by another, and another still. He looks up and sighs in relief.

CERSEI slowly closes her eyes in defeat. Her face remains expressionless.

Arslan looks over as Raven roars. The bells become a chorus across Vale. Her eyes are fixed on Yang and her dragon as she waits for her to react. Yang sits on Raven, she breathes deeply and her face twists with anger. She looks towards the palace, she thinks of all that she has suffered and endured and lost. Bells clamor as the Fleet burns in the far distance. She tries to choke back her rage, but she cannot. She spurs Raven and they Fly straight for the palace. Jaune is distraught, staring in disbelief at Yang's response to the bells.

Salem watches as the Dragon flies towards her...

A/N: No! Yang is not going to burn the whole city, she is just going to attack the palace and try and kill Salem. Also, we aren't done with the character deaths, there will be a few more in the last few chapters. I think we should only have three or four chapters left of the story.

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