Darkness falls

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The undead continues to rise in the courtyard. Just beyond the wall, Hyrbids march towards the gate, weapons were drawn.

Weiss hears rustling and scratching behind her. She turns her head and gasps when a skeletal hand breaks through the wall. A dried-up corpse twists out its tomb and wriggles onto the floor, snarling. Nora looks up at the disturbance. The corpses get to their feet. Behind the crowd, another wall starts to crumble. People stand and begin to scream in panic. Another corpse wriggles out of its tomb. The women and children flee. Nora looks to see that one of the corpses that has come back is Lie Ren. She didn't want to see her husband like that. She ran to the other side. Weiss, having her rapier with her, summoned Glyphs of Beowulfs to attack the hybrids. One woman falls in the panic and is dragged back into the dark catacomb. Weiss turns to see that they are coming from both sides...

Ruby, Maria, Team's NDGO, BRNZ, and some Southern soldiers expertly take down the charging Hybrids with both Moonstone weapons and Fire dust. They are successfully fending off the onslaught, but the Hybrids are getting dangerously close.

Jaune, Killing some of the Hybrids that surround him, tries to push his way through, but there are too many of them, then a gust of flame sprouts behind him and he ducks and shields himself from the heat. The Hybrids shriek and chitter as they collapse and die in the inferno. Jaune catches his breath and looks up to Yang with Raven, hovering above. The mighty dragon continues to spew forth hits flame breath. Jaune squints as he peers into the destruction of the flames. Raven sets down heavily behind him and roars.

"The Relics! we need to stop him!" Jaune cried to Yang

"Go!" Yang shouted, "I'll take it from here!"

Jaune runs towards Arktown, tracing a path through the walls of flame that still burned. Behind Ravne, more undead run at full speed. Yang watched as Jaune makes his way to Arktown, and doesn't see the new assault until they are leaping on her dragon. They swarm on the Dragons tail and flanks. The dragon shakes and whips most of them off, but those that hang on stab mercilessly into the hide of Drogon. The dragon roars and screeches as the frantic stabbing continues, Yang grunts as she tries to stay on Raven in spite of her contortions. She is thrown to the ground while the Hybrids continues to swarm over Raven

"NO!" Yang cried

The dragon labors and takes flight, with great effort. The swarm of Hybrids loses their grip as the dragon flies higher.

Yang then watches as Hybrids crash into the ground in front of her. They are bloodied and broken, but unphased by the traumatic wounds. They snap their attention onto her. She walks backward in fear. One gruesome, pale Hybrid charges her but is decapitated by Sage at the last second. He grabs Yang up and leads her away.

Jaune has reached the courtyard. A constant stream of bodies pours down from the walls above. He struggles to walk through the mounds of bodies that cover the courtyard floors, he passes both Mercury and Sienna, who continue to battle the awful horde of undead. Jaune staggers onward to tackle a greater purpose. He passes Flynt who lied propped against another mound of bodies, frenetically stabbing the Hybrids who cling to him. Jaune hacks through an attacking Hybrid and looks backward as Flynt screams, desperate and panicked. Jaune turns his back on his friend and continues forward, meeting the attacks that try to stop him. Sienna twirls her whip in a deadly whirlwind of precision. Arslan releases guttural grunts and screams as she cuts through her foes. She is dangerously close to being overwhelmed, but Jaune does not pause. He enters a passageway, where the battle continues is close quarters. He dispatches those that try to stop them and dodges the debris that falls from above. He stumbles, buried momentarily, but regains his feet and lurches through an iron gate that he slams shut behind him. Hybrids slam against the portal, hissing and grabbing at him. The gate holds fast, and Jaune walks away further down the hall.

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