the Death of Headmaster Ozpin

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Song: fever Ray - if I had a heart

Ozpin was lifted to his shoeless feet, he walked with the guards. He looked around at the empty cells around him. He looked ahead of him to see the door.

This will never end 'cause I want more
More, give me more
Give me more

Ozpin watched as he finally exited the threw the door and he was then blinded by the sun's rays. He looked to see a large crowd of dirty and ragged people. 'What have you done to them Salem?' He thought to himself, he looked ahead and saw a rope hanging there at a platform, he smiled at this "you still want me to suffer..." He said to the sky. He was brought to the platform and the rope around his neck.

This will never end 'cause I want more
More, give me more
Give me more

"We bring you headmaster Ozpin! Of beacon academy! This is the man who would kill our beloved queen!" Yelled a man, "he is a traitor to Vale and to our Queen!" He yelled again. A rock was thrown and it hit Ozpin in the head, but he didn't flinch. Blood dropped down the forehead of the former huntsmen. "What shall we do with the traitor!?" Yelled the man "KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM!" The crowd yelled.

If I had a heart I could love you
If I had a voice I would sing
After the night when I wake up
I'll see what tomorrow brings

The man passing the death looked to Ozpin "any last words Ozpin?" He asked him

Ah ah, ah ah
Ah ah, ah ah
Ah ah, ah ah
If I had a voice, I would sing

Ozpin looked to the crowd and they all looked, hungry, angry, sad and hopeless. "My name is William Ozpin, I come here before you to die..." He then looked to a child who was carrying a baby, "I am sorry....That I have failed the people of Vale, that I have failed my friends, and those who I called family...." Ozpin looked to the crowd again, and noticed a stranger in a cloak, a black cloak so dark that you couldn't see any face, "but I will not look at death with fear! I will welcome it!" Ozpin yelled "my death comes with lout apology to those who stand with the Queen!"

Dangling feet from window frame

The men tied the rope tighter around Ozpin's neck.

Will I ever ever reach the floor?

The man went to the lever.

More, give me more, give me more

A memory of the past came back to Ozpin. One where he was still a young teen with his friends. Team STRQ, Team MANN, team ADGO, which was his team. This was before he became headmaster.

Crushed and filled with all I found
Underneath and inside Just to come around
More, give me more, give me more

Ozpin took a deep breath and looked around. It became silent. "Promise me oz...If I die, promise to protect her..." A familer voice said in Ozpin mind. These were the last words of his best friend...Avon Blackfyre...

Ah ah, ah ah
Ah ah, ah ah
Ah ah, ah ah

The man pulled the lever and the trapdoor opened and Ozpin fell threw and the rope had broke his windpipe as he was hanged

If I had a voice, I would sing...

End of volume 3....

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