the attack on Beacon!

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Over a thousand Vale soldiers were minding their own Business and Guarding Beacon Academy the day was beautiful and peaceful.

then a guard tower was shot by a bullhead missile, the Guards paniced and they rang the alarms to signal they were under attack

"Ready the defences!" shouted a general

from the distance they saw 20 Bullheads coming from the sky as well as 30 Airships, each holding all three soldiers from the Branwen tribe, the Atlas Rebellion and Mistral soldiers. leading them was Yang. she looked at Beacon and knew she was going to take it back. the Airships began to drop bombs in the forest of beacon killing the guards from there, the Airships landed and Yang Activated her Maiden Powers and lead her forces to Beacon Academy. Meanwhile Neptune was leading six large battle ships behind the cliffs of beacon

"ready men!" Neptune yelled

"YES SIR!" they yelled

"then lets get going!" he yelled

the ships shot the grappling hooks onto the back of the school and they began to climb up the cliff.

Yang and her forces were destroying the forces and were getting closer to Beacon, but then something shook the land, everyone was stopping in their tracks as the ground shook.

"what the hell is going on sir!?" asked a soldier

"I don't know..." the genreal replied

then from Mountain Glenn rose a giant Grimm Dragon. both forces stopped and saw the Dragon, but they began to retreat, except for one. Yang stood her ground as the Dragon landed on the ground in front of her. Yang looked the beast in the eye and it did the same. Yang released all of her Spring maiden power and the beast roared, Yang summoned a long sword and cut the dragon on it's face and the dragon backed up and then with it's tail slapped Yang aside, Yang landed on the ground and rant back to the beast, but the dragon flapped it's wings and it took off, spawning Grimm over the Island and attacking both forces.

Neptune and his ships just were about to climb when they heard the roar, they all stopped in their tracks. The dragon flew into their view, and Neptune looked in horror but he turned to all of his men

"Man all the weapons!" he yelled

all of his saliors and the other five ships maned the turrents and began to fire and the dragon, they managed to hit it but yet is still came at them, the dragon then breathed it's fire on one of the ships causing it to explode, Neptune saw this and looked to the edge of the ship, on the edge was the Missiles, but they were supposed to be used if any of the Vale soldiers escaped on their bullheads. Neptune ran to the launcher and activated it, he only had three missles and he needed to make them count. he aimed as the dragon turned and headed back for them, He waited and then when he thought the Dragon was in range he fired, But the dragon turned and the missile hit the side of the cliff

"Shit!" Neptune said and he loaded in the next missile

the Dragon breathed it's fire on another ship which was close to the third ship and the Dragons fire caused both ships to explode, Neptune turned to one of his men

"tell all ships to use the missile's!" he ordered and the man nodded

the ships began to shoot the missiles at the dragon but missed it, Neptune lined up the second missile and shot it. the missile had hit the dragons wings! the dragon hovered for a few seconds and then landed on the fourth boat and then it beagn to breath fire and the fifth ship, but the fourth had fired a missile at the dragon, which caused both shops to explodes. Neptune and his men looked and knew that this could be the last fight they would have, the Dragon then landed on their boat causing it tip, Neptune almost fell but he held onto the Missile launcher, Neptune knew this was his last chance to kill the Beast and he aimed the Missile at the dragon's head and the Dragon looked at Neptune and Roared but Neptune looked back with fury

"Smile you son of a-" and he shot the missile hitting the dragon and killing it but the ship exploded and Neptune fell into the sea..

Back on the top, the two forces saw the explosion and heard the dragon cry before it was dead. Yang knew that Neptune and the ships must have taken out the dragon and the dragon probably took out some of the ships, there was a chance that Neptune was dead, however she didn't have time to mourn, she used the opportunity to attack again

"Nows our chance! lets go!" she yelled to her army

she charged with the army behind her and they managed to break the front lines and they ended in the beacon court-yard, the soldiers however were prepared for this and began activating hidden bombs in the yard. the bombs blew up and killed some of her tribe and Atlas rebels, another bomb went off in front of her and she fell backwards, but she quickly got up and charged again, as the reached the front doors yang busted them open with her powers and every soldier split up and took back every room and every corridor of Beacon.

Yang looked to the battle ground, they gathered up the corpses of the dead on both sides. she walked making sure everyone was ok, Team NDGO had some injury's but were fine. Roy, May and Nolan had lost their team leader, Brawnz, may and noaln cried and Roy tried to look strong. She looked to her side to see Scarlet getting covered by a sheet, Yang looked down in sadness, she looked to Arslan and her team, "get some bullheads and look for Neptune and any survivors" she told them and Arslan nodded and left to do the job. Yang kept walking around to see Velvet was crying, Yang walked quickly to her, "velvet! whats wrong!?" Yang asked and Velvet looked to her and still cried, and thats when hang saw the two sheets in front of her, it was no doubt Coco and Fox, they were dead and in their last moments they held hands until they died. the battle of beacon was swift and a quick win for Queen Xiao-Long but not without losing more of her friends...

Yang looked around in the basement of Beacon, she saw the two pods one that held the previous Fall Maiden, a display case that held a yellow diamond, a wooden box that held two silver Rings. she took the rings hoping that it would hold some magic and she continued walking around, but what really caught her eye was three large eggs, one was white with a little bit of gold around it, the second one was yellow with hints of light purple, the third and last egg was black with large hints of red on it. She looked at them with awe, they were beautiful, so Yang took them and after looking through the Basement she went back to her room and left them near her bed, right next to the heater.

Yang woke up to a small whimper in her room, she looked around and saw nothing, but when she stepped off her bed she looked to where she had left the three eggs but found that they were now only shells and that they had been cracked, she looked more closer to it and at the bottom of them layed three little lizards with winged arms, she saw them looking up at her and they ran up to her and cuddled against her legs, their whimpers softened and stopped, she looked to the three lizards and looked at them with love like she did Zwei. Zwei was family, and so now they were as well. She looked at them and knew she needed to give them names

she looked to the white and gold lizard "you'll names will be Tai" she told the little lizard

she then looked to the one that was gold and purple, she knew the name for it

"you shall be Raven" she said

she looked to the red and black one, she at first didn't think of the name for it but then it hit her, she would name it after the female hero on the statue

"'ll be little Dia" she named the little lizard or the way they looked was more like that of a Dragon.

One named after her father. One named after her mother. One named after Remnants greatest hero.

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