Dragon Problems

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Yang was sitting in her Throne/office and was hearing offers from settlers who arrived a week before, the next in line was a farmer

"you may Approach," she told the Farmer

"I don't understand, I don't understand, my queen" the Farmer sobbed

Yang was puzzled "what don't you understand?" she asked the Farmer

"I have brought you. it came from the sky. The black one. it came from the sky and..." The Farmer kneels on the ground sobbing and set a rolled up sheet, once he layed it down, inside was a pile of burnt bones.

"My girl... My little girl!!!" the Farmer sobbed

Yang, Arslan, Sage, Neptune, and Velvet were horrified, Yang recomposed herself and walked to the man and kneeled in front of him

"What was her name?" Yang asked the Farmer

"Zala, your grace. Named after her Mother...." the Farmer replied

Yang looked down in shame "How old was she?" Yang asked with worry

"She was Only Three! she was just a child...." He cried out

"Oum fucking christ....." Yang muttered, she turned to Neptune and Arslan "is there any sign of Dia?" Yang asked

"Sailors saw her flying over the cliffs three days ago, my queen. Nothing since then..." Arslan said with sadness

Yang knew what she needed to do. Her Dragons were now the size of Cars. and they would keep growing.

"Get Tai and Raven and meet me in the Basement.

A soldier falling asleep in a local tower that overlooked the farms and lands of beacon and was just up the road to Beacon. A knife slits his throat. White Rat looks up and sees a member of the Sons of the Harpy holding the knife...

"Children of Salem?" Yang asked

"Yes, a bunch of assassins who think of Salem as a god," Sage told her "however, They've never killed before"

"It was only a matter of time, after all, these people are a cult," Neptune told Sage

"and they do not see us as people. They see us as demons" Arslan told Yang

"Then they will have to learn to see things differently. we did not risk our lives fighting for freedom so cowards could take it away. And I did not take up residence in Beacon so I could watch the new City below decline into chaos" Yang said angerly, she then turned to Arslan "What was the name of the man you lost?"

"called himself White Rat" Arslan told her "weird name"

"yeah. but I want him buried with honor. Publicly. and let's build a cemetery" Yang told them "The Children of Salem will get the message"

"this will make them very angry Yang," Sage told her "is that wise?" He asked

"Angry Grimm lash out. Makes chopping off their heads that much easier. Find the men who did this and bring them to me" Yang ordered and Arslan and Neptune nodded.

Yang turned to them once again, "Salem has taken everything from me! My Father! My Mother! My friends! My HOME!!" Yang yelled "so, I will take everything from her..." Yang told them, with her eyes turning red.

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