The Rose of the Plateada Tribe

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Its been two weeks since Ruby had found the Luna Plateada Tribe. She was in awe that even more of her people existed. Ruby begged Maria to teach her how to use her eyes, Maria agreed and allowed Ruby to stay with her while she trained. So far Ruby has been able to use them without any repercussions, the first and second time Ruby had used them made her black out for almost the whole day, the third day she managed to activate them just fine but she did feel a little bit sick, but after four days Ruby was able to use them properly. Right now, Ruby has been staying with the Tribe to learn how they live on a day to day basis, she was also able to get her eye checked. The doctor of the tribe had told her she would be able to see out of her right eye, but it would leave a scar. Ruby walked in Maria's cabin with some fire wood and placed it next to the fire place. Ruby took off her cape and went to the fridge, she took out some sliced meat and was going to make a sandwich. Maria was sitting on her couch and watching TV, "hey Maria, how come we don't use our power on those Grimm Hybrids?" Ruby asked Maria, to which Maria almost fell off her couch, "Ruby..." Maria said and walked over to her, "don't you think we've already tried that?" Maria asked "but if we could vaporize and turn Grimm to stone, why can't we do the same to those things?" Ruby asked "Ruby, those are not Grimm, nor are they alive, those...Things, have some type of Immunity to our eyes, the only way we figured out his to kill them is with fire" Maria said and Ruby looked distraught, "i know that things look bad for us here but we are fine as long as we hide from them and make the place look abandoned we are fine" Maria told Ruby, Ruby looked at her however and remembered how the hybrids acted, "Maria...are the Hybrids being....lead?" Ruby asked and when she said that Maria stood stiff. "Listen Ruby....what those things are being lead by is far worse then grimm, worse then Salem herself and worse then any war that is being fought now" Maria said "who are they being lead by?" Ruby asked "they are being lead by the Dark Brother" Maria told Ruby, "but...that's impossible!? He's gone just like the light brother!" Ruby cried "Ruby...did you think the dark brother would listen to his brother? The Light Brother is keeping his part of the deal, But he knows, that is why he keeping those he knows will help fight the dark brother. Those who have a role to play to stopping the dark brother" Maria told Ruby.

Ruby continued to watch Tv while Maria attended a elder meeting, Ruby couldn't focuse on the Tv however, she kept thinking about all of her loved ones that had died or she doesn't know are still alive, her Mom, her dad, her Aunt, Ozpin, Mrs. Goodwitch....Sun. Did they not have a role to play? She never got any contact from Ozpin in anyway, nor has she heard from Yang, Blake, and Jaune. Did Sun not have a role to play in this new war? Did he not have any use? 'Of course he did' Ruby thought, 'if it wasnt for him, I would never have made it here or close to Vacuo' she told herself once again ' a way he did have a purpose' Ruby told herself again and with thats last comforting thought she driffted off to sleep.

At the meeting The epders of the Tribe, who were Maria, a old man named Natajiki, a 50 year old man named Jessie and finally another old woman named Neketa. "So why have you called this meeting Natajiki?" asked Neketa "apparently we have three unexpected guests, one of which who I thought to be dead" said Natajiki, "hey! I can hear you!" said a man covered in white cloak, who was followed by two other cloaked people another man and a female "besides, what doesn't kill you" Began the man as he took off his hood to reveal an orange haired man with green eyes and he held a cane...

"Makes you stronger" Roman Torchwick told the four elders as the others took off there hoods to reveal Sun Wu Kong and Glynda Goodwitch

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