Devine Judgment

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The Battle was won, Most of the Vale soldiers surrendered and were taken as prisoners. Salem was now in chains and waiting for Yang to arrive. A group of Atlas soldiers went back to Beacon to collect the four relics to summon the Light Brother, and he would pass judgment over both Salem and Remnant.

Arslan walks silently through the burned and destroyed city of Vale. Everything is covered in ash and soot, small fires continue to burn as well. Her eyes look to the sky as flakes of ash float in the air. She passes piles of brick and broken beams, and small fires that speckle the devastation. She passes the prone body of a blonde female soldier, the first of many charred and incinerated corpses. She does not pause and keeps walking. A man comes towards her, shambling in a state of shock. His bare chest is streaked with soot, and his pants are in tatters. She looks back as the man passes. The whole of the man's back is burned away severely. Arslan continues forward, eventually meeting up with Jaune, Flynt, and Neo. She looks to see Jaune is in a state of shock as he contemplates what has just happened. They continue to walk with some Arc soldiers behind them.

As they get closer, they see Atlas soldiers stand at attention behind a line of kneeling prisoners. Winter paces in front of them.

"I am Queen Winter White, and I sentence you all to death," She told them

Before any of them could be killed, Jaune approached them

"Winter!" He yelled

Jaune and the others arrive with their army behind them. Jaune comes face-to-face with Winter

"It's over," Jaune told her

"These men are my prisoners. It is not over until I say it's over!" Winter yelled

"They're on their knees, they surrendered," Neo told her

"They're still breathing," Winter said

"Stop this! Look around you! We won..." Arslan said somberly

Winter didn't listen and she draws her Saber, but Jaune grabs hold of her arm to stay him. The Atlas soldiers point their guns at Jaune, and Arc soldiers respond by drawing their weapons to defend their King.

"Easy! Easy!" Flynt cried

Winter and Jaune continue to stare each other down. Winter then lowered her saber and put it away, she ordered her men to put them in a house and let Yang decide their fate. Jaune thanked her for sparring them, but she just walked away.

Winter and Atlas soldiers search the wreckage for any sign of Weiss. Ash flakes continue to fall like snow.

Whitley enters the cellars. He climbs a pile of rubble and comes upon a pale hand, half-buried amongst the bricks. Whitley kneels, as he touches the hand in grief. He begins to take away a single heavy brick and tosses it aside. He moves a second brick and then a third. Weiss's body starts to become visible and Whitley begins to sob, painfully. He fights back the tears, and begins to work again. After a few bricks, his sobs overtake him. Still mostly buried corpses, Weiss lays with Neptune holding onto her. Whitley cried more and smashes a brick repeatedly in frustration. He props himself up to look at his sibling and her lover. He sobs again.

Jaune, Winter, Yang, Arslan, Neo, and Flynt with Salem walking in front of them in chains. Yang held the Relic of destruction, Jaune held the relic of Creation, Winter held the relic of Knowledge, and Arslan held the Relic of Choice. They walked into the throne room and while it was huge, it was empty.

"so what do we do now?" Flynt asked

"We put them in a circle and pray for the Light Brother," Yang said "it was how Ozpin described it to me before we left"

The four holders of the Relics set them in a circle and called and prayed for the light brother to come. Te Relics began to glow yellow, and the blinding light flashed from them, it was so bright that even the armies saw it from outside of the palace. A pillar of light shined down on the Palace and they saw a golden orb fall into the Palace.

Inside the Orb shined and it began to take the form of a man with deer antlers, his whole body covered in golden light, his eyes nor his mouth was visible. He stood in front of the throne and saw the seven humans that had summoned him

"it seems you have brought the Relics together, does this mean you are ready to accept my Judgment?" The Light Brother asked

Yang stepped forward, "we are, but we also ask you to pass her Judgment," Yang said while pointing at Salem

"Very well," The Light Brother said.

He looked closely at the six humans and saw each of their experiences, their feelings, their desires, their truths, and their lies. He looked to them all again, and he looked to Salem, seeing what she had done with her time after she was cursed, what she did to others.

"I have seen what you have gone through, You all have flaws, yet I see peace in all of you," He told them,

He then pointed to Jaune, "you have always tried to do what was right, even if it meant giving your life and killing those closes to you. For that, you have passed"

He then looked to Yang, "I see the protectiveness from you, I see that you always cared for those around you, though you may have done things you regret, you never once looked back and wanted to move forward. You pass"

The Light Brother looked to them all, "you all have gained and lost so much, and yet you continued to fight" He told them "I see now that Maybe it was us who were wrong, if we had never left, none of you would have gone through this. I and my Brother have made a mistake, and as for that, I will do your world a great deed for my sin"

Jaune stepped forward, "what do you mean?" he asked

"I shall leave your world, I will leave it in your hands, no longer will we watch over or rule you. Your kind has done a good job so far, you all put away your hatred to fight a common enemy" He finished

He then walked to Salem, "you shall leave this world and head to the afterlife, along with the Wizard" The Light Brother told her

He touched her and Salem's Grimm features disappeared and then her body slowly turned to gold petals. He then looked back at the six humans.

"I wish you all luck in the future, may the world you build after this war brings long-lasting peace," He told them, He began to glow again and he rose up into the sky and he was gone.

The Judgment was past and the Blood War was over. It was the beginning of a new age, and of a new world of peace.

Yang then looked to Jaune, and kissed him, he smiled at her and kissed her back

"what was that for?" Jaune asked her with a smirk

"Yes," Yang replied

"what?" He asked

"Yes, I will Marry you, Jaune Arc" Yang told him

Jaune smiled and a tear formed in his eye, for once, he felt as if things were indeed going to get better.

The Blood war has ended! YAY! Now, we only have one last chapter of the story! stay tuned to see the ending of the story!

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