to Schnee or not to Schnee?

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Weiss walked the halls of her home. It was more like a castle then a home, she thought back a remembered how Nora would have loved being here, she could already imagine the Orange haired girl pouncing around and Ren trying to stop her while Pyrrha and Jaune looked like they were raising a child, she missed her team, she missed ruby most of all, despite her childish ways she was a great friend and a leader. She was stuck here though with her traitorous father, she hated the man with a passion, he would always go for the winning side even if it meant killing his own children, she did have some company however, Neon and Flynt would sneak in with the help of Cline, her butler, but he was more of a father then her own, there was also Whitley, the youngest of them but he always did care for his sisters, always acting like a older brother, even if he had no aura or semblance he was still a brave kid for his age, Weiss loved him for that. She walked the halls and that's when she stopped and saw a portrait of her family, her mother Willow was there, she had the same eyes and smile, Weiss loved when her mother smiled, it always moved the heart, even in her last day she smiled, Weiss remembered the time she first talked about Winter becoming a huntress, she was proud, Weiss wanted her mother to look at her like that, Willow did when she heard Weiss had unlocked her Aura. Willow loved her children while Jacques saw them as pawns in his games, they weren't human to him, they were just chess piece's. Weiss knew what her father was, what he did to stay in his position, and what he would do to stay. Weiss stopped looking at the portrait and continued to walk. She walked past her fathers office door and that's when she heard them, "Its been a pleasure doing business Mr. Schnee" said a feminine voice, Weiss knew that voice, it was Caroline Cordovin, the "Queen" of Atlas, "I'm always happy to support the crown" Jacques told her, "there will be a train full of dust heading to castle snow hawk, it will be delivered to you by tomorrow night, it will stop at fort kilingtin" Jacques told her "good work. When my men get to the battlefield we'll have delivery for that traitorous daughter of yours" Caroline told him with a sinister chuckle. Weiss quickly left before she could be spotted, she made her way to the room and there she grabbed her scroll, she looked at her contacts and finds Winters number, she was going to press call, but she hesitated. If anyone found out that she called her sister, she would be shot, or worse...Everyone knew that Queen Caroline was smart and cunning, but she had no mercy, she would not spare anyone. Weiss picked pub the scroll and called Winter.

[Ring. Ring]

"Hello? Weiss is this you?"

"Yes Winter its me! I can't talk as long as we both would like! Listen to me, I overheard a shipment of dust was being transported to Castle Snow Hawk, but its will stop at fort Kilingtin!

" Are you sure?"

"Yes! But you have to hurry and take it, the Queen said she would have a delivery for you if the Dust makes it to Castle SnowHawk!"

There was a long pause.

"You took a huge risk calling me...If they find out you'll be shot!"

"I'll do anything for my REAL family...I love you winter"

There was another long pause, there was a sniffle

"I love you little snow flake...."

And with that the call ended

"Who were you calling?" Came a voice, Weiss was startled and looked back to see her younger brother Whitley, "I asked who you were calling dear sister" Whitley said again and moved closer to his sister....

4 days till Ozpin execution

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