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Jaune was sitting next to a fire getting warm, and then there was knocking on his door, Ren walked in and looked at Jaune, who was still looking at the fire

"it's time" Ren told him. Jaune got up and left the room.

Fennec, Corsac, and Sarge were all standing on a table with ropes around their necks, waiting to be hanged. Jaune walked out of his office and walked to the men. Everyone was watching as Jaune walked out and made his way to the 3 men that killed him, he went up to the steps and looked at each of his killers.

"If you have any last words, say them now," Jaune told the men

"you shouldn't be alive. It's not right" Sarge said with a frightened look

Jaune Glared up at him "neither was killing me" Jaune said

He moved to Corsac, "my mother still living in the Capital...Could you write to her? Tell her I died fighting the White Fang" he asked Jaune

Jaune shook his head and moved to Fennec

"I had a choice, Lord Commander, Betray you or betray the Blue Fang. You brought An army of murders and raiders. If I had to do it all over, knowing where I end up, I pray I make the right choice again" Fennec said

Jaune looked at him "I'm sure you would, Commander Fennec" Jaune told him

"I fought, I lost, now I rest. But you, Jaune Arc, you'll be fighting their battles forever" Fennec told Jaune

Jaune looked at him with a bit of respect, he moved to the rope and he pulled Croceas Mors out but Jaune waited to cut the rope and he remembered what they did and how Blake had stabbed him.

Jaune brought his sword down and cut the rope. The table was pulled from under the 3 men and they died. Jaune looked at them and then took off his commander's jacket and handed it to a Soldier

"what do you want me to do with this?" He asked

"wear it. Burn it. Do whatever you want with it. You have the fort" Jaune told the man

Jaune walked back to his room, "my Command has ended" he told his men.

Coreas Mors is lying on a table. Ren picks it up and admires it, he saw how the blade was sharp, and always kept its edge, he turns to Jaune, who is putting some of his clothes in a bag

"Where are we gonna go?" Ren asked Jaune

"we're heading to a nearby town back in Vale thats close to my home" Jaune told him

"What are we gonna do?"

"Get food, sleep, I don't know really" Jaune smiles at him

Ren slams Coreas Mors on the table

"I heard about Hardhome, you saw what's out there! We know it's coming here! How can we leave now!?" Ren yelled at him

"we did everything we could, you know that..." Jaune told him

"You made a promise!"

"I promised my life to the blue Fang and I gave my life!"

"We promised Kali!" Ren cried

"They killed me Ren! SHE killed me!" Jaune yelled

An alarm sounded outside, and both Ren and Jaune look to the doorway. They headed outside, and the gate opened.

Weiss, Neptune, and Arslan walk in and enter the courtyard on motorcycles. The Blue Fang watch them as they walk in, Nora, Neon, and Penny walk out and see who it is, Whitley looks intently at Neo. Jaune and Ren emerge onto a balcony overlooking the courtyard. Weiss looks slowly around until she spots both Jaune and Ren, she then sees Nora, the three look at their friend and ran to her, They then give each other a hug, Weiss looks happy then she had been the last few months.

Jaune and Weiss are sitting by the fire while Neptune, Ren, and Nora are sitting to a table next to them. Weiss lifts a bowl to her lips and drinks the rest,

"This is good, reminds me of the soup back at beacon" Weiss giggled

Jaune smiles at her "the one with the peas and onions?" Jaune asked

Weiss nodded

Jaune looks at her, "We never should have left Vale, the four of us..." Jaune told her

"Don't you wish we could go back to the day we left? I want to scream at myself, 'Don't go, you idiot' I wish I did, I wish I never went back with my father... " Weiss told him

"How could we know? We were children" Jaune told her

"I spent a lot of time thinking about what a bitch I was to you, I wish I could change everything" she told him

"like i said we were children" Jaune chuckled

"I was awful, just admit it" Weiss told him with a smile

all of them begin to chuckle

"You were occasionally awful, but I'm sure I can't have been great, I was always sulking in the corner" Jaune chuckled

Weiss looks to the four of them, "Can you forgive me?" She asked them

"There's nothing to forgive" Ren said

"Forgive me! Please" Weiss looked at them

"alright! alright! we forgive you" Nora said

Weiss laughs, then holds out her hand for a drink of Jaune's cup, Jaune gives it to her, and she takes sips and she tasted how bitter the drink was, and she then coughs.

Jaune laughs, "You'd think after thousands of years, the wall would have learned how to make a good cup"

"Where will you go?" Weiss asked them

"Where will WE go" Jaune said "If we don't watch over you, Blakes ghost will come back and murder us"

Weiss was confused but would ask them about Blake later

"Where will we go then?" She asked them

"we can't stay here, not after what happened..." Nora began

"what happened?" Weiss asked them

they all looked at Jaune, as did Weiss

"I'll tell you about it later, but you might not believe me..." Jaune said

"There's only one place we can go. Ark Town" Weiss said

Jaune looked at her "Should I just tell Tyrian Callows to pack up and leave?" Jaune asked her

"We'll take it back from Him"

"I don't have an army"

"How many faunas and silver hand did you save?"

"They didn't come here to serve me!" Jaune yelled at her

"They owe you their lives!"

Weiss stands and walks to a table and places her bowl down on it as she looks back to Jaune "You think they'll be safe here if Tyrian Callows remains Warden of the South!?" Weiss yelled

"Weiss..." Ren cut in

Weiss continued to talk to Jaune "Ark Town is your home! Its Kate's, Joan's and Yours! it belongs to your family! You have to fight for it!" She yelled

"I'M TIRED OF FIGHTING!" Jaune yelled "It's all I've done since I ran from home! I killed brothers of the blue Fang! I've killed Grimm! killed white fang! I've killed men that I admire! I let a girl be killed right in front of me! I killed a Woman I loved!" Jaune yelled

Jaune got up and looked out a window

"I fought for everything!" Jaune cried "and I lost everything..." Jaune said and he left the room.

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