Peace at last

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It has been 13 years since the Blood War hand come to an end. So far there were no Conflicts, No War, and Crime was at the lowest it's ever been all around Remnant. But where was the Brave Heros of The War now?

Northern Vale

Oscar sat at his desk in Beacon, Now the headmaster of the Hunter academy. After the war, he had attended Beacon himself and 1 year after he graduated, he became the youngest Headmaster in Beacon. Before becoming headmaster, he married Velvet Scarlatina, and she gave birth to their oldest child, Coco Pines, and just last year they had triplets, Fox, Ozma, and Penny Pines, and now Oscar and Velvet were expecting their fifth child. 'Oum please don't let it be triplets again!' Oscar begged to himself when he found she was pregnant again.

The reason he was a bit stressed was that he would be bringing new batch of students into the school. He looked to his Vice-Headmaster, Sun Wukong.

Suna Ruby had gotten married six months after the war had ended, and three months later, Ruby gave birth to their son, Jaune Wukong. This year, Ruby had announced that she was pregnant again and they found it was going be to be a girl, Ruby had already decided to name the baby, Maria.

"So Sun, I hear your son will be joining us this year?" Oscar asked

Sun chuckled, "yep, Jaune's coming here, He has the personality of his mother but my good looks"

Oscar rolled his eyes and smiled, "I hope to see him in action"

Sun nodded, "Just you wait! Jaune's gonna kick butt at initiation!" Sun cheered

As the Bullheads landed, a teenage boy with black hair in a pony-tail and a tail curled behind him, he wore a hood just like his mothers although his cloak was white as well as his Armor was a mix of white and red and attached to his back was two short Scyths, This Was Jaune Wukong, the Son of Sun Wukong and Ruby Rose next to him was his best friend (and secret crush) Tsubaki Valkyrie, A teenage girl with orange hair and dressed in green and orange Mistrailian clothing, with a wakizashi behind her and a knife strapped her boot.

"Can you believe we made it! Were finally at Beacon!" Jaune cried

Tsubaki nodded, "yes, it's quite amazing to be here" She replied

It had always been Tsubaki's dream to attend the school that her father fought so hard for. Jaune saw the look on her face and placed his hand on her shoulder

"hey, I'm sure your dad would be proud," He told her

Tsubaki nodded, "yeah," She said with a smile.

As they walked to the entrance of Beacon, They noticed a female Rabbit Faunas with Avacado eyes and another girl with Pink and white hair mixed, Jaune and Tsubaki knew that this was gonna be the best and Hardest years of their lives!

Southern Vale

In Arktown, Joan Arc, Now in her late 40's was still Queen of the town, Her son had become a hunter just like his Uncle and was now one of the best fighters in Southern Vale. She had a lot to do after the Battle with the Dark Brother, with many houses wanting to take advantage of the situation and to take Arktown, But with the help of her new Queen, she managed to fight back and wipe them out. Nora Valkyrie was now the Arc's most trusted friend and house. Nora had grown so much and she could be very strick when she wanted to be, but was still that fun-loving girl that her friends remembered, however, she had never married after the death of Ren, she knew she could never love someone as much as she did him.

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