Bonus Chapter | When Seto Met Scarlet pt.3

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“Wait a sec, Jason.” Shadow says, “I’m just gonna call on these two.”

“Okay.” Jason replies, “I’ll stay here.” He stands in the corridor as Shadow knocks loudly on Adam and Azalea’s door.

“Yo Aza? You two up?” she asks loudly.

The door suddenly opens.

“Hi Shadow.”

“Ty?” Shadow questions, she turns to Jason who looks just as confused as she does.

“Aza let me stay in this room for the night. Now Adam and Aza aren’t talking to each other.” Ty explains like an innocent 10 year old.

“They aren’t talking? Why?” Shadow asks.

“Ty…” Jason confronts him, “What did you do?”

“I… may or may not have hid behind the bed whilst waiting for them to wake up.”

Shadow and Jason facepalm unanimously.

Ty chuckles, “You should’ve seen their faces.”

“So… why aren’t they talking?” Jason asks.

“Because Adam didn’t want me there but Aza still let me in, so Adam is angry with Aza for letting me stay the night.” Ty says quickly.

Shadow continues to facepalm, “Gees… Ty… you’re in the s**t right now, I hope you know that.”

Ty just shrugs.

Azalea then walks up to the door, “Hi Shadow.” She greets drowsily.

“Hey Aza,” Shadow replies, “just wanted to ask if you wanted to come down to breakfast with us.”

Azalea nods with a yawn, “Yeah, yeah, sure.” She pushes past Ty and wags a finger at him, “This is all your doing. Don’t think I’m gonna forgive you anytime soon.”

Ty smiles a smug smile, following the trio down the hall and to breakfast.

“So what’s the plan today?” Azalea asks, tucking into her full English breakfast.

Shadow swallows her mouth-full of toast topped with butter, “I’m gonna call my mum, then we’re gonna go down there and have tea there, hopefully.”

Azalea nods, “Then what? France right?”

“Yep.” Jason replies, “France.”

Azalea stares at the empty seat next to her, “Oh where is he?”

“Who?” Shadow asks.

“Adam.” Azalea answers.

Shadow frowns and shrugs, taking another bite from her piece of toast.

“What I wanna know is…”

Azalea jumps out of her skin, “Ty!”

He pulls up a chair and sits in it, “… where the heck is Seto?”

Jason and Shadow shake their heads, “I don’t know,” Jason admits.

“Is he not in his room?” Azalea enquires.

“Yes.” Ty answers, “I mean… no. How am I supposed to answer that question?”

Shadow giggles, “Too British, Aza, too British.”

“Not my fault he can’t handle my way of speaking.” Azalea smiles.

“Uh…” Ty groans, “When am I going home? You people are too hard to understand.”

Life After Death <コ:彡 Team Crafted Fan Fiction <コ:彡 3rd Book of Trilogy <コ:彡Where stories live. Discover now