Chapter 1

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Seth POV:

I am watching the snow through the window while thinking about my parents. I touch the S initial locket and recall the moment that I have spent with them. My mom gave the locket to me when I was a child. They always told me that I was very special to them. I couldn't forget the moments I was with them because that was precious. I knew everyone would feel like that, especially the ones who lost their parents like me.

 I knew everyone would feel like that, especially the ones who lost their parents like me

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Yeah... My parents passed away two weeks ago. My uncle and aunt, who live in Ohio, called me earlier and told me that I want to live with them. I don't want to go there. I can protect myself, but I can't regret it because they love me like their own son. And they are the only relations for me now.

I sigh and pack up my things before leaving the house. When I reach Ohio, I call a cab and give the address of my uncle's house to the driver. The driver rides the car to some distance and drops me in midway because of the terrible weather condition.

I grab my bags and look around, finding a man in his early 50s. "Excuse me, is there any shortcut to reach this address?" I ask him and show the address to him.

"There is a shortcut from here through the forest, but it's dangerous to go that way!" He says and points to the forest that is just a few distances away.

I ignore his warning and take the way through the forest. I need not worry about anything because I have nothing to lose anymore. Suddenly I notice the change in weather and the presence of someone around me, but I guess it can be my imagination.

I arrive at my uncle's house a few minutes later and call them as I cross the threshold. My aunt comes to me when she hears my voice. She hugs me and kisses me on the cheek, "How are you, honey? Why didn't you call us when you reached Ohio?"

"Sorry, the signal was dead on my phone," I say and give her a soft, worried smile. I hate to lie to her, but I do because I don't want them to waste their time on me.

"That's okay. No need to worry about it." She says and grabs my bags, placing them on the couch. She then calls Roman, who is my cousin, and informs him of my presence.

"Hey man, how are you?" Roman asks as he steps down the stairs hurriedly. He opens his arms and gives me a brotherly hug.

"Fine." I smile and chat with him randomly. A few hours later, I grab my bags and go to the guest room, which is gonna be mine now. I lay down on the bed after putting my bags beside it and close my eyes while thinking about what my uncle and aunt have stated at the dining table.

They want me to go to college with his son tomorrow. I don't know how the college will be, but Roman has promised he will always be on my side to protect me whenever I'm in trouble.

Next morning...

When I wake up from sleep, I turn off the alarm and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I get nervous as I remember the day because I'm going to a new college today, and I don't know anyone there other than Roman.

I calm myself and get up from bed, wanting to explore this day. I grab fresh clothes from my bag and go to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and change into some jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater. I put my shoes on and brush my hair before going downstairs to see Roman, who is waiting for me.

"Are you ready for your first day at college, sweetheart?" My aunt asks as she wipes her hands with a towel. Before I respond, he says in a confident tone, "Don't worry, mom. I'll take care of him." He wraps his arm around my shoulders and hits his head with mine playfully. We wave a hand at her and get in the car to go to college.

When we enter the college, a tall man and two other guys come toward us. "Don't get nervous, they are my friends," He reassures me and introduces his friends to me. His friends are very casual, and their name is Big Cass, Finn, and Cesaro.

We walk into our classroom separately, and I sit in the middle of it, trying to interact with them. The class goes smoothly, and I like it already. When the class is over, I make my way to the locker and see a girl with long blonde hair standing in front of it.

"Are you the fresh one here?" The girl in front of me asks and glances at me. I nod slowly and look at her a little nervously, not knowing why she asks me that.

"Hey, I'm Carmella. You can call me Mella if you want. I'm the girlfriend of Big Cass in your group. So why don't we become friends?" She asks and holds her hand out. I smile and shake her hand, getting excited already. She is really nice.

When college is over, I tell Roman that I'm coming home with Mella and her friend Alexa for a walk. While we are walking on the street, a stranger who has dressed completely in black bumps into me, but I can't see his face.

"Idiot, watch where you're going?" Carmella yells at him, but the stranger doesn't give her a shit. I wonder who the stranger is and how he disappears suddenly.

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