Chapter 13

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Seth POV:

I sigh as I make my way to the college two days later after Sami's death. Today, Roman went early to the college for his football practice.

Ten minutes later, I arrive at the college and hear the sound of morning chattering reach my ears as I walk down the hall to my locker. I make quick work in my lock before taking my books for the morning class.

I take my books and close the locker door. I scan the surroundings around me, looking to see if my friends are near anywhere. Unfortunately for me, they are nowhere to be found.

I let out a soft sigh and start to head towards my first period class. If Carmella isn't around, I'm sure she will be sticking with her boyfriend in the football ground.

As I make my way down the hall, my eyes are landed on a familiar figure. My heart thumps quicker in my chest as my bright brown eyes lock onto the icy blue eyes. Dean slowly makes his way over and stops beside me.

"Hey baby," He greets softly as he looks at me. "Aren't your friends with you today?"

A light frown appears on my face, "No. They have work to do." I say and look anywhere but not his eyes. Because whenever I look at his eyes, I feel mesmerized.

"Don't worry. I come with you like your friend Carmella or Alexa." He says and grabs my hand.

"Wait.." I stop him and turn to look at him, "You are the star player of the football team but why are you roaming like you have nothing to do in this tournament?"

He smiles a little and nods, "Of course, I'm the star player but I don't need any practice."

I nod and look at his face. I can't deny the fact he is handsome because he is. His eyes are a beautiful shade of blue, covering a bit by the shaggy auburn hair. His face is a bit round, boyish almost, but he has the deepest set of dimples I have ever seen.

"Seth?" He gazes up at me and his brows are drawn together as my eyes are focused solely on him.

"Huh?" I pop my eyes a little and meet his own icy blues.

"Shall we.." He trails off a bit.

"Okay." I smile a little and hold my books against my chest. There is still a burning question in my mind.

"Dean, shall I ask you something?" I glance over at him.

"Yeah, go ahead." His eyes are focused on me.

"Are you the one who I met that day? I mean.. Sami's death.." I start and watch his reaction carefully. "I just have a doubt, that's you who I met that day."

"Well, you are telling me indirectly I would have killed Sami." He says and looks at me with a blank expression.

I didn't mean to say like that but he took it as wrong. As I open my mouth to respond to him, a different, high pitched voice rings out.

"Hey guys, just look at here. A bad luck kid pulled Ambrose to his side." A girl says as she stops in front of me with another girl and two guys flanking her sides.

"He's not a bad luck kid," Dean rolls his eyes, spitting at the girl.

"When Joe and Sami started flirting with him, the bad luck started to them. No one knows what happened to Joe. On the other side, Sami was found to be dead. I don't see anyone have this much bad luck in my life. I know he has a nice hair than half these girls in this college," I feel her eyes rake over my body. I tense up a bit and look away.

"What's wrong, pretty boy? Not used to being checked out?" The taller blonde boy teases. "With an ass like that, we have been surprised if you didn't allow Ambrose to smash that yet."

I feel my heartbeat pick up when the group breaks out into laughter. I want to get out of here and away from these people who are talking about me shit.

With tears threatening to fall, I push past the group and hurrying down the hall to the bathroom. I lock myself in the stall and let my tears fall.

I sit on the toilet, pulling my knees up to my chest. Today is the day from hell. There is no other way for me to describe it.

"Seth?" A voice questions from outside the stall. "Are you in there?" I know the voice who it belongs to.


"Y-Yeah," I wipe my eyes, not budging from my spot.

Dean POV:

I want to kill those idiots but later. If I touch them now, everyone will find out I'm a vampire. Then Seth also finds out about my background so I have to wait for the right time to give them a punishment.

I stand outside the stall as I wait for Seth to open the damn door. "Are you okay?" I ask gently as I rest my boots right beneath the door.

"No. Nothing I haven't handled before though," I hear him sniffle a little. I'm quiet for a few moments before I speak again.

"Look, Nikki and her cronies are bitches. I know what they said is not true because I know you're better than everyone else.. I know you don't want to talk to me because I'm nothing to you, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, okay? In whatever you need.. a friend, a study buddy, a shoulder to cry on, or even just to talk. I'm always here, okay?" I pour my heart out to him in the stall.

I didn't expect that I told him what's in my heart, at least this much. It has been quiet from the other side of the door, not even as much as a sniffle from him.

That is, until the door flows open and a small but strong arms wrap around my neck. The small body collides with me and hugs me tightly so I wrap my arms around him slowly.

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