Chapter 29

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Seth POV:

I find myself sitting alone in the dark room and staring down at my shaking hands. It is after midnight and I can't sleep yet. Suddenly I hear the door opens and shuts.

I look up when my aunt walks into my room and flips on the light. "Seth, it's midnight, what are you still doing up?" She asks, leaning on the wall.

I remain silent, my eyes still looking down at my hands. "Come on, Seth. Whatever's bothering you I know we can get through it. There's nothing that can change that, just talk to me."

I finally look up as my aunt sits across from me. "Okay, I need to tell you something." I sigh as I hold her hands because my hands wouldn't stop shaking and I say, "Um.. I don't know how to say this, I love one guy who stole Roman's spot in the football tournament."

"What?" She looks up at me in the eyes.

"Yeah," I say and look down, unable to look her in the eyes. "For months now, I thought I could bury my feelings and able to cover it for a while but I can't anymore." I take a deep breath and look at our holding hands, "He loves me and I also love him but I have been so afraid to tell you because I don't want to lose you all."

She pulls her hand away and instead places it on my cheek, "Why are you afraid of us? It's your life, Seth. Now, you're a grown up boy so you only want to take decisions about your life."

"Nah, when Roman found out that I love him, he doesn't talk to me." I say and tears start to fill in my eyes. "I always thought nothing can break us or the bond we have but I am wrong." I wipe the tears away from my face.

She lifts my face up and makes me to look at her in the eyes, "Seth, you didn't do anything wrong to cry. It doesn't matter who you love, you're still my other son. You're still you and I don't want you to think otherwise. It's okay, no matter what, I'll be here for you."

I smile softly and feel like my mom is here with me. I'm sure if my parents are here with me, they will comfort me when I am worry. "I don't want you to feel like you can't come to me when you need to talk or when you're in trouble." She says. "We are one family and we have to stick together. Do you understand me?"

I sigh and nod. Never in a million years I ever think my aunt would support me. I only wish Roman also feels the same. I talk with her a little while longer and then she makes me to sleep on the bed before heading up to her own room.

Next day..

A million thoughts are running through my mind as I walk to the college. Roman didn't talk to me during the breakfast and quickly left to college with his friends. On the other hand, I didn't see or talk to Dean since that day.

Ten minutes later, I enter the college. The sound of morning chattering reach my ears as I walk down the hall to my locker. I make a quick work of my lock and place my backpack inside.

I turn around and scan the surroundings around me, looking to see if Dean is anywhere near. Unfortunately for me, he is nowhere to be found. I let out a soft sigh and start to head towards my class.

If Dean isn't around, there is no point in me sticking around in the halls where Roman and his friends usually hangs around. I'm not in the mood to be tensed and worried today.

As I make my way down to the hall, my eyes land on a familiar figure. "Hey Alexa," I smile and join with her to go to the class. We go to the back of the class and sit down.

Once we seated, she places her hand on my shoulder which makes me to look up at her and give her a soft smile. She looks at me worried, "Hey, are you okay?"

I shrug, "I guess, I didn't get much sleep last night." I smile and I don't want her to worry for me.

"I'm sorry." She smiles softly and places her books on the table.

"There is a bright side to my night though." I say which make her little surprised. "I finally told my aunt and she took the news better than I thought, better than Roman anyway."

"That's good." She smiles and pats my shoulder friendly. "Did you tell this to your lover boy?"

"No," I mumble. I am worried when I think about him. "He didn't attend any of my calls, I think he is angry with me." I look at her with a worried face.

"Don't worry, everything is gonna be alright." She says. I hope her words will become true and I'll wait for that day.

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