Chapter 26

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Seth POV:

I step out of the car and join with my friends to go inside of Dean's house. I hesitate to move further and my anxiety is manifested itself in my inability to decide whether to keep my hands inside or outside of my pockets.

The house is crowded with students and I could hear the bass of the music playing as it reverberates through the walls. I take a deep breath and swallow hard.

As soon as we go inside, I feel out of place and Roman walks off in search of his friend Finn while I sit on the couch. It isn't long that all my friends go to enjoy the party and leave me alone.

I look over the party and jump when someone sits next to me and places his hand on my thigh. I calm down a bit and pout as I look away when I find it is Dean.

I am shocked when he kisses my cheek and I look around to confirm that no one is noticing us us. "Dean-" I stop when he grabs my hand and takes me to his room.

Once I am in his room, I look at him confused and ask, "I want an answer from you, Dean. What happened last night after we left the restaurant?"

I still looked at him confused as he places his hands on my shoulders and says, "As we came out of the restaurant, you are passed out when a kid appeared suddenly in front of us with a horrible mask in his face."

I try to remember that night but I couldn't. I bite my lip confusedly as I look up at him again, "How you got me to my house?"

"It was difficult but I used some tricks and got you inside to your room through the window." He says and goes to sit on the bed. I can't believe his words so I try to figure out whether it is true or not.

I am about to talk to him but I stop when I notice a folded drawing paper on the table. I go near the table and take the paper before unfolding it. I am surprised when I figure out that the drawing paper is mine because it was drawn by me on that day on the cliff.

Dean POV:

Before Seth turns to look at me, I grab him by his waist and kiss him on the lips because I knew he will get out of his confusion and figure out that I helped him on that day.

He slowly parted his lips as I look deeply into his brown eyes before they unwillingly closed. I take his face between my hands before kissing him deeply. His first response is to inhale sharply but soon he lets the paper down and wraps his arms around me.

His intoxicating scent surrounds and spurring me on. Increasing my craving of everything belonging to him. His hands move to my face to weave his fingers into my soft blonde curls as I hold him tightly against me.

A soft moan bounces off his beautiful lips when I slide my hand under his t-shirt and run my hand up to his bare back. The kiss is broken to discard our shirts. I admire the sight in front of me with lustful eyes and I need him.

I push him on the bed and start to nip and suck on his neck. He moans as his hands grip on my shoulder while I straddle on his waist. The bloody kiss from that night seeps into my mind. The fire that was lit in my veins is again ignited.

A slow breath passes between my parted lips, the tip of my fangs now visible. Lust, both blood and physical, are blurring together. Either way, I must want him now. I need more of this, more of him.

I desire nothing more than to make those dreams true. A deep moan comes out of his lips through the crook of my neck when I thrust him hard. Fuck, it feels so good and I want more.

I pull back to look into his eyes and suck on his bottom lip gently. "I love you." I whisper in his ear as I nip and suck on his earlobe. We are destined to be one.

I drag my fangs lightly over his neck and frustrate when he pushes me away. The sudden loss of his body on mine snaps me out of my lust-filled haze.

My eyes widen in shock then narrow in bewilderment when I see him looking up at me with equal wide eyes. "Seth-"

"I'm sorry." He says getting out of the bed while taking his t-shirt. "I'm sorry, I just.. I need to go." He slips his t-shirt on over his head and rubs his face with his hands nervously.

Before he leaves the room, I grab his hand and make him to stop moving. I cup his cheeks and make him to look at me, "Why?"

I feel he is shaking in my hands while I caress his lips. Before I lean down and kiss him, he pushes me away and practically runs out of my room.

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