Chapter 18

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Dean POV:

Something is not right. I shouldn't be burning up like this. I don't know what is happening to me.

By the time I make it home, my breathing shallows and I'm sweating profusely. I am literally peeling off my black dress shirt as I enter my home.

My skin is flushed and perspiration bubbled in shades of light pink through my pores and my hair falls all over my face.

I barely make my way to the upstairs that lead to the main floor but I collapse on the floor. I try to stand up but I couldn't. I slowly crawl onto the floor and make my way to the coffee table and take my phone from it.

I barely lift the phone in my hand and try to call my mom. After three more rings, she attends the call. "Mom, I-I cou..couldn't bre..ath, some..thing is.. n-not ri..ght with.. me."

When I say that, she growls through the phone and hangs up immediately. I know she will come as soon as possible. Before I put the phone down, I feel my phone vibrates in my hand.

I look over the caller ID, it is Seth. I don't know why he is calling me at this time. I sigh as I try to relax myself and take a deep breath before attend the call, "H-Hello?"

"Dean, is everything okay? Why your sound is different?" He asks doubtly through the phone. I don't want him to know about my situation.

"..Yeah. I'm fine." I reassure him. I can't able to open my eyes because I feel my eyelids are heavy. I move slightly and try to take the water glass from the table but it slips and falls down on the floor.

"Shit!" I mumble and hear him saying, "No.. something is wrong. What's going on? I come there!" I hear a groaning sound from the other end and I can make out the rustling of sheets.

"No.." I try to stop him from checking me out. I don't want him to know about me without I'm telling him who I am. "You have to.." I can't talk this time as much even if I want.

"I come there and help you, De-" I cut him off by yelling through the phone. "No! I don't want anyone's help." I say and hang up the phone.

The last thought I have before falling into the painful slumber is, Seth's beautiful face, his dark brown curls and his chocolate brown eyes.

Seth POV:

It has been two days since I saw Dean and wish to take everything under control. It doesn't make anything better than knowing that he hasn't been to college.

It's the very first time, he didn't come to college when he joined here. I know he didn't go to the football ground regularly but I saw him roaming around here since he joined this college.

I know it isn't my business to get into, considering him and it makes clear that he doesn't want anything to do with me, but it didn't stop my mind from wandering. I have waited across the hall from his locker, but he never shows. I want to know what is going on.

"What's going through that head of yours?" A voice rings out, making me to snap into the direction.

"Nothing Alexa.. just thinking," I say as I move from there and sit down on the lunch table. She looks at me for a moment and flipping her hair back before takes a seat beside me at the lunch table.

"Do you miss Dean?" She asks softly.

I am tensed when she asks that. "I.. I don't know what you're talking." I lie, not really wanting to dwell on it.

"Seth, look at me buddy.. please?" She asks me softly so I slowly turn my head as tears start to form on my eyes.

"What happened Seth?" She asks me when she sees the tears in my eyes. I wipe the tears away from my face and look down at the table. She places her hand on my shoulder, "I don't tell anyone what you're going to say. I promise, just tell me."

"I.. I worried about Dean." I look back at her face.

She smiles at me and squeezes my hand, "I already knew that. The look in your eyes and his eyes, is the evident that you guys love each other."

"No. I don't love him." I say suddenly and pull my hand away from her. Before I stand up, she grabs my hand and asks, "Then why are you worrying about him?"

"Last time, I called him and understood that something is wrong and he needs some help. But when I told him that I help him, he yelled at me and hung up the phone. I don't know what happened to him. I want to know whether he is okay." I say as I think about Dean and what he said through the phone last time.

"You know what?" I look at Alexa when she asks. She stands up from the chair, "Before you know about him, you need to know yourself. That's you love him." She says and leaves me alone to think.

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