Chapter 16

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Dean POV:

"Dean?" I suddenly flinch when I hear that voice. My breath comes out in little pants as I blink my eyes and look around.

"I'm sorry," I say, not sure as to why I'm apologizing. That's when I realize Seth stands in front of me while holding his hand against his chest.

He is looking at me concerned, "You okay?" He asks as he places his hand on my cheek, "You blanked out on me."

"I.." I focus on his hand and sigh in defeat as I see the cut in his hand. "Just wait here.. I'll bring the first aid kit." I try to move away from him as much as possible and take the first aid kit before return to him.

I grab his hand gently and try to control my blood lust when I see the blood in his hand. He flinches when I wrap the band-aid on his wound. I kiss his knuckles to make him comfortable and gently rub it with my fingers.

We stare at each other for a few minutes until we disturb by his phone rings. He blinks his eyes and takes his phone out from his pocket and looks at me with wide eyes.

I know who calls him because the look in his eyes tells me everything. He slowly moves away from me and stands at one of the corners in my house before attends the call.

When he is talking to Roman, I smirk as I notice what is above his head. I make my way towards him and wrap my arms around him from behind and take him aside, "Baby!"

He jumps and turns around, and looks at me with wide eyes. He looks at me confused and hangs up the phone immediately before Roman asks any questions to him.

I smirk myself and try to be act innocent, "Sorry baby, I.. I didn't mean to do this. I try to protect you from this poisonous insect before it bites you." He looks at the insect that I show to him.

He sits on the floor with his hand on his head. I place my hand on his shoulder which makes him look at me. He says, "I wouldn't worry if that insect bit me but now I'm scared what if Roman heard your voice through the phone."

Sorry for doing this, baby.. but I also want that.

Before I talk to him, he stands up from the floor and makes his way to the door. "It's already getting late so I need to go home. And thanks for lunch." He says and leaves my house.

He even doesn't wait to hear my reply. I hate myself for doing this to him but I don't have any other way to take him with me to my world.

Roman POV:

I make my way to my home after college is over. I tried to skip the practice but my coach didn't let me because he believes me that I will make our team win in this tournament.

The so-called star player, the great Dean Ambrose didn't come to the practice. He even didn't talk to the coach about the practice. I have a doubt whether he will attend the tournament or not, or did he know how to play football?

I sigh and enter my house, and kiss my mom's cheek before asking about Seth. She tells me that he is in his room. I nod and make my way to his room.

When I enter his room, I see him looking out through the window. "Seth.." I call out and he turns around and smiles at me, "Roman.." He hugs me and I rub his back before we sit on the bed.

I don't know how to start the conversation. I sigh myself before look at him, "Why you skipped the class?"

"I.." He looks away which make me understand that something went wrong. I grab him by his cheek and force him to look at me in the eyes, "Just tell me."

"Dolph and his friends talked shit about me in the college. They told that I'm an unlucky kid and-" He stops but I force him to continue. He looks away and says, "And.. they told me that I made everyone fall for me even Dean also.."

My blood boils when I hear that, "That fucker! I'm going to kill him.." Before I stand up from the bed, he grabs my hand, "Please.. don't do anything.."

When I pull his hand away from me, I see the wound on his finger, "What the hell? Did those bastards do this to you?"

Seth POV:

When Roman asks me about the wound, I am tensed. I don't know how to convince him. If I tell him that I hang out with Dean, he will be angry.

"I accidentally cut my finger with the knife when I cut the apple." I lie to him and watch his expression whether he believes it or not.

"Take care." He pats my cheek lightly and stands up from the bed. I relax myself when he is about to leave my room because he didn't ask me about Dean's voice through the phone.

"I hear someone's voice through the phone when I called you. Who is that?" I'm tensed more when he stops and asks me about the voice. I look at him with wide eyes as he stands beside me.

I try to show myself relax to him and stand up from the bed, "That voice.. a man called his baby when I talked with you on my way to the home."

He nods and makes his way to the door and stops in the midway, "Don't think what those bastards said." He says gently and then leaves my room.

"Sorry Roman!" I say under my breath. I hate myself for telling lies to him.

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