Chapter 33

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Carmella POV:

I look over the video again and again to show it to Seth when I reach the school. I didn't send the video to his phone last night, because I know how much he worries if he sees that.

I want to be with him and hold him when he breaks out. I can't let my best friend suffers in his own hole for loving that idiot. I didn't want him suffer, if anyone wants to suffer then it is that Ambrose guy.

I slide my things into my bag and wave a hand at my mom before leave the house. I get in the car and place my bag on the passenger seat, starting the car.

As I drive the car, I adjust the radio and hit a sudden break when I find crowd on my way."Why they are blocking on the road?" I ask myself and get out of the car.

I lean on the car and notice the cops were asking something to some of the people. I didn't hear much of it, but hear something like, who saw at first? Did you have any doubts..

Maybe it's some accident or murder!

I didn't want to be here anymore. I turn to move but stop as I see a familiar face when the cops make the crowd to stay away. I move to the crowd and look over someone's shoulder to find who it is.

I shock and move backwards when I find the murdered person is the same girl who I met in the restaurant with Dean last night. I jump when someone tap on my shoulder and says, "Take your car, it is blocking the way."

I nod and look at her one last time before get in the car and drive to school. Her pale face and her dead body only repeats in my mind until I reach school. I need to find out how she died.

Seth POV:

I have been waiting for Roman since I came from Dean's house. I feel relieve and happy that I finally confess my love to Dean. Now I feel some weight lift off from my shoulders.

When Roman comes to house, I give him sometime to freshen up and head right up to his room after few minutes. "Hey," I smile.

He remains silent and works something on his laptop. "How is your day in college?" I ask and hope something he talks but he doesn't.

"I'm sorry for not attend your call earlier. I tried again and again after that, but you didn't attend my call. I know maybe you didn't notice my call or you have some other work." I say but still nothing, his eyes never leaving the laptop.

I frustratedly turn around and make my way towards the door. I stop when I hear his voice from behind, "I just figure out why you're coming to college. That's all."

When I turn around to look at him, he looks back at his laptop and continue his work. My heart breaks when he even didn't like to see my face. Soon tears start to fill in my eyes, I turn around and open the door and leave his room.

Roman POV:

Once Seth left my room, I close the laptop and hold my head with my hands. I look up when I hear the door opens again and see my mom entering the room. "Hey, we need to talk?" She says.

I nod and she sits up beside me. She strokes my hair and says, "I saw Seth left your room with tears in his-"

"If it's about him then I don't want to talk about it." I cut her off and stand up from the bed. But she grabs my hand and says, "Well, I really don't care if you want to or not, but we are."

She forces me to sit back on the bed and lifts my chin up, "Why are you so upset about this, is it because he loves the guy who stole your spot on the tournament?"

I look into her eyes to not know what to tell her. "No, it's just.." I have no words to describe how to tell that I didn't like Dean or Seth loves Dean or what..

"That's it. You don't know the real reason what is bothering you." She gives me a soft smile.

"Mom, maybe I don't know the real reason but I didn't like it." I spill it out in slight anger. I couldn't imagine Seth with that idiot.

"If you continue hurting him then he'll move away from us." I look up when I heard what she said.

She grabs my hand and squeezes it gently, "Just try to understand, he has no one other than us. I don't want him to think, if his parents with him then they won't reject or neglect him for any reason."

I look down in embarrassment. She stands up from the bed and makes her way to the door. I look up when I hear her says, "Just think, I hope you will make a right decision." She sighs and leaves the room, but her every words are still in my mind.

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