Chapter 49

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Dean POV:

I move forward while she backups little by little with tears in her eyes. I try to control myself when I remember the words of my mother come to my mind but I can't. Whenever her eyes look around to get a chance for escaping from me, I get angry even more.

"Do you want to know what will happen after your soul leaves your body?" I ask with a slight smirk. I know it is unnecessary to let her live in this world a little more but I want to tell her as she explained to me why she is crying.

I notice in one eye when her hands slowly pick up the sand to throw it over my face but I didn't let her know that I saw it. Before she does her plan, I use my vampire speed and pick her up by grabbing the back of her neck.

I pull her hands forcefully and let her drop the sands, "You again do the same mistake so it's time for your end. While your soul moves in the air, I and my princess will be in my world!"

"That's not going to happen!" I hear a voice from behind so I let her and see a furious Roman with a baseball bat in his hand.

I don't know how he also knows my little secret. Now I understand how careless I am but I won't be careless after this. I grit my teeth as I glare at him but try to control myself for my princess because I know how much Roman is important to him.

"Roman, get away from this. I don't want to hurt you because you're an important person in Seth's life!" I try to convince him but he glares at me and growls, "Yeah... I'm an important person in Seth's life but you're not!"

Before I realize, he hits me hard with a baseball bat. I fall on my knees and place my hand on my head as the blood sweeps from it. " I-I want to.. live with Seth!" I breathe and hope he will understand.

Instead of listening to my words, he plants his foot into my chest and it sends me flying out backward. I lose my control and glare at him until all my emotions go away. My blue eyes turn into black ones again as I see them holding each other.

I can't succeed in my goal if I think about Seth and his relations. I look over them as I slowly get on my feet, "If you have guts, face me now. But remember one thing, in front of you is not the loving boyfriend of Seth... The vampire prince!"

When Roman is about to hit me again with a baseball bat, I use my vampire speed and grab Carmella by her hair, throwing her against the tree again. She yelps in pain so Roman looks at me in complete anger.

His anger doesn't do anything to me this time because I'm not weak like he thinks. "Come on, Roman!" I growl and let him walk over to me with a bat in his hand.

"I won't let you destroy Seth's life!" He roars and raises a bat to hit me. I struggle with him to get the bat off his hand and finally I get it. I hit him with it, without caring where it hits.

He lands on the ground and squirms in pain. I sit on his stomach and push the bat on his throat. I laugh as he wiggles and tries to push me off of him. He struggles to breathe so I press the bat further but disturb by Carmella who pushes me off of him suddenly.

I growl and walk over to her but Roman grabs my leg and stops me from reaching her. I kick him in the stomach hard and grabs Carmella as she runs away from me.

"This world doesn't need your service anymore.." I push my hand over her mouth and lean down to sink my pointed canines into her neck. I let her blood down on my throat but stop when I hear a familiar voice, "Dean!"

I turn around to see Seth looking at me with wide eyes. I wipe my mouth quickly and look at him with equal shock. What in the world made him come here and see all this shit?

"Baby," I try to convince him and take a step closer to him but he backs away in fear. What I thought should not happen, it has happened now. I feel that I'm losing everything.

I can't see the fear in his eyes on me. "Baby, let me explain.." I take a step closer but he shoves me away and looks around the surroundings.

Seth POV:

I couldn't believe my own eyes what I saw. My Dean hurt my friend in front of me and it hurts me a lot. I wish I wouldn't come here in search of Roman but nothing will change that anymore!

When Dean took a step closer to me, I felt like it's someone, not my Dean so I shoved him away. I look around the surroundings and take a step closer to Carmella when her breathing is labored.

I kneel beside her and try to get what she is saying but I can't figure out her slurs. I look over Dean and see his messy blonde falling over his face. Heated expression.. tips of fangs and blood dripping from his mouth.

"What the hell.. what are you?" I ask slowly as the fear settles over me. "What did you do to her?"

He takes a step forward but I back up, out of his reach. "Don't.." I whine in fear.

He briefly closes his eyes as he licks some of Carmella's blood from his lip. When he looks back at me, the blue color of his eyes seems to flicker like fire, not the ocean blue orbs that I know.

"I'm a vampire, Seth." He says and his eyes direct on me.

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