Chapter 50

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Seth POV:

I can't process what I hear from Dean's mouth now. Is he a vampire? I feel like I can't even believe my own skin. I hold my head as I look around the surroundings and remembers every moment with him. Everything seems to blur, even the surroundings, Roman, Carmella, Dean.


The one who is very special in my life and who I believed with my whole heart, is a vampire. What did I do to him to break my heart? Why he didn't tell that before? He broke my every trust on him.

I wipe my tears and come back to reality when I feel someone's hand on me. I look over and see Roman looking at me with concern. He nods at me before going to Carmella to check her pulse.

I look at Dean with a painful eyes when he mumbles, "I tried not to hurt your friends and relatives for you, Seth. But she was trying to take you away from me, so.."

I can't control my anger so I grab his hand and look at him in complete disgust, "So you were gonna kill her.." I yell in his face.

"Yeah!" He replies and takes a step towards me. "I don't want to lose you. I fell in love with you, Seth. In my world, there are many willingly ready to marry me but I have no interest in them because I've you for holding my heart... My eternal one!"

"And that means, at some point, you will turn me into a vampire too?" I ask in a bitter tone.

"Only if you want to. I will never do it against your will." He says and places his hand on my cheek.

I pull his hand from my cheek as I look at him in the eyes, "I would believe if you tell this before I found out on my own. Now I don't know how to believe your words anymore, Dean!"

"I love you, Seth. I will never do anything to hurt you." He tries to convince me but I'm not ready to hear his lies anymore.

"You love me? Really? You hurt my cousin and Carmella because you love me? I'm having a hard time believing that." I can see the hurt in his eyes and it kills me more even I know about him. Because I still love him and he is the only love in my life!

"Please.. baby," When he pleads with me, I feel myself fall on him again. I can't see my strong, arrogant boyfriend pleading with me anymore. If I try to give him another chance, it will be awkward between him and my family and friends because he's not only hurt me, he also hurt them.

I look at Roman when he asks Dean about Carmella, "Is she gonna live?"

"Yeah.. he stopped me before I could take too much," Dean says and looks at me in the eyes but I look away.

"She's not gonna turn into what you are, is she?" He asks again and Dean responds, "..No."

I can't stand here anymore so I nod at Roman to go home. He nods back and picks up Carmella because she is still unconscious. I look at Dean one last time and slowly start to walk with Roman.

"Wait!" Dean quickly walks up to me and grabs my arm gently to stop me. "Where are you going?" A tear finally manages to slide down his cheek.

"I'm going home, Dean. I'm done." I say and turn around before the tears fall from my eyes. I wipe the tears quickly and take a deep breath to hold back the tears.

When I said that I'm done with him, I could feel my soul left my body. If I'm going home with Roman, my body only goes but my soul will stay here for Dean's forgiveness.

Dean POV:

When Seth said that he's done with me, I feel myself losing here. I can feel my entire time I spent here for my eternal one is destroying in front of me. I know he still loves me and I also know why he wants to stay away from me because he thinks it's good for both of us, but it's not.

I grab his hand and make him stop but he doesn't turn to look at me. "Are we done?" My voice cracks in a failed effort to keep my emotions under control. "I love you, Seth. Stay.. stay with me. Please.." I plead with him.

The declaration hangs in the air between us. I stare intensely at the back of his head, hoping desperately that he will turn around and look at me. I know once he turns around to look at me in the eyes, he can't get away from me.

"If you love me then let me go." I hear his broken voice from a silent cry.

"I love you too much to let you go," I say and hold my grip a little tighter. I know if I leave his hand, it will be the last for me to hold him like this.

He whimpers, "Please... Dean, let me go. And here you said that you will never do anything against my will."

Yeah... He is right. It hurts but he is right. I let his hand and watch him go slowly behind Roman. He doesn't look back as he walks away. His every step is painful to me as the last.

I watch him get into the street.. and out of my life. Tears fall from my eyes and I want to scream aloud but I can't. I didn't meet any failure in my life but with Seth, I feel like I'm a loser.

I don't know what I am going to do without him. I never be proud anymore when I lost a beautiful thing in my life. I feel like I lost everything in my life, even myself.

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