Chapter 23

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Dean POV:

I didn't tell Seth where I took him with me. I introduce my princess to our world without he knows. Everyone in here are vampires and they want to know who is their princess.

"Good evening, Prince Dean." Seth's attention is turned towards the girl who is walking towards us. "Prince Dean?" He looks at me confused but I grab his hand and make him to look at me, "Hmm.. she is my friend and she would always call me 'Prince Dean'."

He nods and then I look back at her as she reaches forward and gives me a big hug. "Finally, we saw the lucky guy who stole our prince's heart." She laughs and pulls back from our hug.

She turns her attention towards Seth with her eyes lighting up, "I'm happy for seeing you."

"You're gonna scare him off if you keep going." I stop her from her overreacting. She nods at me and then reaches behind the counter and grabs two menus. "If you both like to follow me to your table."

Seth follows my lead and I still wrapped my arm around his waist as we walk through the restaurant. The atmosphere is nice, the soft sound of the rock music filtering through the speakers adding the feel to the whole place.

I let him go once we reach our table and I take a seat on the opposite side to where he is sitting and I follow his every moves. "Alright." She says and places a menu in front of us. "I'll be back shortly to take your orders. Shall I get you anything to drink to start with?"

"Just one beer and one glass water, thanks." I answer for both of us.

"Coming right up." She smiles at both of us. "I'll let Randy to know that you're here." I watch her walk away before turning back to Seth.

"It's nice here but some people looking at me weird." He says as he looks around uncomfortably.

"It's usually because you're very cute.." I say and he blushes, his cheeks look like a red tomato. I glance around the couple who is near me and give them a stern look for drinking blood from their glass.

I make Seth to look at me to give some time to the couple to hide or drink their glass. When he looks at me, I say, "Normally on Saturday night, they would have a band play but that usually isn't until ten."

I see him nod and then he picks up his own menu. "What are you going to get?" I ask.

"What are your recommendations?" He smiles broadly at me.

"The Double burger is amazing." I answer. "Double beef, double cheese, double bacon and barbecue sauce. And it comes served with a monster pile of the best French fries you have never eat."

He lets out a laugh, "What about the more health conscious choices?"

I make a face at him, "You mean the ones with salad on them?" I ask and watch him nod.

"Dean!" The voice comes from across the room near the bar. I know who it is, it is my best friend, Randy Orton. I smile when he is carrying one beer and one glass of water towards our table.

He has a smug grin on his face as he approaches our table. He places a glass in front of us, his left hand reaching up to ruffle my hair. "I don't think you'll show your man."

"You know I'll do what I told." I grin back at him. "Seth, this is my best friend Randy. Randy, this is Seth, my love." Randy holds his hand out for Seth, shaking it. "Nice to meet you." He says and pulls his hand away.

"He seems a lot nicer than other humans and he is perfectly matched for you." He smiles and winks at me.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes and say, "Are you going to take our orders?"

"I already knew what you want." He dismisses. "But what can I get for your love?" He asks and Seth glances down at the menu, reading the options. "I'll get the garden burger."

"Good choice but I don't know whether it is too healthy or not. If you want, I'll bring some bloo-" I cover Randy's mouth before he scares Seth and makes him to run away from here.

"I'll bring your dinner out shortly." He says and looks at me apologetically before he leaves. I take a long sip from my beer and then I look at Seth. I need to be more careful until we leave this restaurant otherwise they'll put an end card to our love story before it blooms.

The smile in Seth's face tells me that everything is going well and I also know that he is still afraid of Roman and his friends inside what if they will know. So I try to distract him by talking about random things until the food comes.

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