Chapter 3

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Seth POV:

I look around in fear and walk further into the forest when I hear a guy and a girl talking. I stop on my way and turn to look behind me when I hear footsteps, but no one is there.

I turn back with confusion as I think about the footsteps and see a man with dirty blonde hair, and icy blue eyes, wearing a completely black dress, standing in front of me. Even in the dark, I can see his face without any denial.

"Go.." He says and shows me the way. I look at him with a mixed expression of shock and confusion about what he is doing in this forest late at night. It's not my job to think about it, so I sigh and walk away, not wanting to get into trouble.

After running for a while, I feel I've seen him somewhere, so I stop and try to figure it out. I got it! He was the stranger who saved me earlier when I fell from the cliff. I turn around to know about him but find him standing behind me. I open my mouth to say something, but before that, he grabs my arm and pins me to the nearby tree.

I look at him with wide eyes because I haven't expected this. "What.. what are you doing?"

"I told you to leave, but you didn't do what I told you." He growls and comes closer to me. I get scared and try to push him off of me, but he places his hand on my cheek and asks, "What are you doing here so late at night, hmm?"

"I... I accidentally ran into the forest." I breathe out without making eye contact with him. I just look away, not having the guts to face him, but out of the corner of my eye, I can see him still.

He looks at me a few minutes before yelling, "Just go... before I change my mind.." He moves away from me and lets me go.

I sigh and start to run, hoping that I'm going in the right direction. However, as I run out of the forest with fear, I reach the street finally. I thank God when Roman approaches me right on time, "You all right?"

I nod and look back at the forest once again before leaving the place with him. If he didn't come here to search for me, I couldn't imagine what I was into and how I would reach the house safely.

Next day...

I sigh and lean my head on the headrest while thinking about the stranger. I want to know about him... I want to know everything about him, even if he scares the shit out of me.

I jump when I feel a hand on my thigh and get relieved as I find it is Roman. "What are you thinking?" He asks in a concerned tone. 

"Hmm.. nothing," I mumble and look out the window. I don't want to talk to him about the stranger right now. After a few minutes of driving, he pulls the car into the space in front of the college.

I open the door and step outside, looking around when I hear a sharp beep of a car horn catch my attention. A man who steps out of that car has dirty blonde hair.. blue eyes! He wears a white wife-beater with a leather jacket and faded blue jeans.

When he gets out of the car, he looks at me for a long time before cruising to the college. I stare at him equally until my mind encounters that he is the same stranger who has saved my life.

Dean POV:

When I step into the college, all the girls try to flirt with me, but I'm only here for Seth. Before I make my way to the principal office, a girl with red hair, wearing a strapless mid-thigh length multi-colored animal print dress, approaches me. "Hey handsome, I'm Eva Marie. Why don't we go on a date this weekend?"

I glare at her for crossing my path and interrupting me from doing my work. Usually, I don't like others to impede my way and make me want to snap their head out of their body when I'm busy. I huff and try to calm my nerves as I think about Seth. 

"Whore. Go and call another man." I say in a harsh tone and push her aside. I make my way to the chief office to do my job and make everything easier. I enter the room and wave a hand at the principal before sitting on the chair without asking for his permission.

He looks at me curiously and holds his hands together on the table, "Neither I told you to sit nor called you for a meeting... Anyway, what do you want?"

"I'm Dean Ambrose. I'm here to join your college." I say in an arrogant way, which is my natural tone. I don't like to use my dad's name everywhere because I'm going to take over his place rapidly, so I don't want to depend on him anymore. 

He glares at me and holds his hand out, "Give me your mark sheet."

"If you want, ask questions. Nothing else." I throw my hand in the air. I cross my legs and put my hand under my head as I lean back on the chair.

He is furious about my behavior and starts to shout like a maniac, but I don't care. I won't change my attitude for anyone, even if I come here for Seth.

He stands up from the chair and shows me the door, "You don't deserve to be here, so get out."

I get annoyed by his actions, so I get up from the chair and take his nameplate and break it with my bare hands before leaving the office. I will show this idiot who I am! I promise he will never get into my sight when I step foot here again.

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