Chapter 47

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Seth POV:

I blink my brown eyes slowly open as I swim back to consciousness. Suddenly, I gasp loudly as the last few seconds of a past memory pops into my mind. "Dean!" I quickly sit up, my breathing becomes erratic as I look around the darkened room.

"It's okay. I'm right here, baby." A calm voice is heard as a hand gently runs across my chest. The side table light comes on sending a muted glow into the room so I look to my right.

A confusion crossing my face when I see Dean with warm blue eyes, sleep tossed hair and a soft smile. Handsome and not like the nightmare I saw last. Was it a nightmare? But it felt so real.

"Dean?" I whisper as I reach up to cup the other man's cheek.

"Yes, it's me." He places his hand on top of mine.

"I.. what happened? I saw you on the floor. Your face looked all mangled and you were barely breathing.." I try to explain what I saw before I went to that unconscious state.

"Shh... Sounds like you had a bad dream. I'm okay. You were so tired when you reached here in the morning. I'm glad that I took you to bed as soon as you accidentally crashed your head on the wall." He says and removes the strand hair off my face.

Morning? Wait.. how long did I sleep?

I look around the room and notice the darkness in outside through the window. "I slept until night?!" I am shocked because I didn't realize that I crash that much hard.

He chuckles, "Yeah, you did. It's fine. I called your aunt and told her everything so that she wouldn't get worried." He gives me a quick kiss on the lips before sliding out of the bed.

I try to get out of bed but I can't because I feel my body is numb. I look at him when he places his hand on my chest and says, "I know you want to go home but before that, you need to eat something."

I try to refuse but a low grumble from my stomach emphasizes that I'm starving. A small laugh breaks out between us before he goes down to bring food for me. I feel really tired even after I slept like a whole day.

After I ate the food, he drops me at my house. I give him a quick kiss and wave a hand at him as he starts the engine. I look at his car until it is out of my sight even I can't feel my legs.

I slowly get into the house and direct my way to my room to take a hot shower before getting in the bed. I'm sure the hot shower will help me to get out of this tired and give me another peaceful sleep.

I untie my hair and place my phone on the table before going to the bathroom. After turning on the light, I strip my clothes and let my eyes adjust to take a moment to look at my reflection in the mirror.

Other than the tired in my face, I didn't look too bad. However, something still catches my attention so I slowly tilt my head to the right, exposing the side of my neck.

A bright red blotch stands out against my pale skin. I touch it and flinch when a tiny spark of pain registers back. I decide to figure out later how it got there because I need a hot shower now to get relief from the tired.

Dean POV:

As I drive the car to some important place, I feel sorry for Seth because he was really tired when I dropped him at his house. I didn't want to feed from him, at least not in that way and that soon, but I really had no other choice.

I wouldn't let him to his house at this condition but I had no other choice than doing this because I have a very important thing to do now. I don't know how Carmella found out my secret but I know that she is going to pay dearly for it. Already my mind is working on a special kind of revenge for her!

I drop the car a few blocks away from her house and get out of the car. I look around and smirk myself before using my vampire speed to go to her house. I step into her room and find it is empty.

I look around the room confusedly and notice a small piece of paper on the table with a book on top of it. I take the paper and read whatever shit it is there, "I know you will come here to kill me so I save myself until Seth knows about you, vampire!"

I grit my teeth and throw the paper aside as I look around the room in complete anger. I get out of her room and search the whole place but she is nowhere to be found.

"How long you have been hiding, Mella?" I ask as I glare at the empty street. I try to figure it out with my senses but I can't. I'm sure she would hide somewhere near this place. 

No one can escape from this vampire's eyes!

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