Chapter 39

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Dean POV:

I glance at Seth every minute as he looks down at his phone and playing some game on it. I smile at how cute he is as he looks. I want to devour the most beautiful thing which is sitting beside me. If he accepts, I will fuck him here in the backseat of my car.

I place my hand on his thigh which makes him look at me with those beautiful brown orbs. "Baby, are you having that vampire locket?" I ask, wanting to repeat the vampire topic again and act nothing I know about that locket.

"Nah, I put it safely with my locket but it missed somehow." He shrugs and continues his game on the phone.

"Did you see any vampires?" I ask and watch his every reaction carefully.

He glares at me, "I didn't and I don't want. If you continue talking to me about vampires, I'm sure I will get out of this car and not come with you for the movie."

"Okay, relax. I won't talk about it anytime." I convince him and wrap my arm around his shoulders and pull him into a kiss.

A few minutes later, we reach the theatre so I stop the car in the parking lot. I place my hand in the small of his back as he looks around, "Just stay here. I'll go and get popcorn and drinks."

He nods and I lean down to kiss him on the lips before moving away from him. As soon as I return to him, my face drops and I grit my teeth when I see him with Carmella and her boyfriend, Big Cass.

"What the hell they are doing here?" I mutter under my breath. I try my best not to show the irritation on my face as I walk towards them, "Hey."

Seth grabs the drinks from me when he sees my hands full of things. "What's up, man?" I shake my hand with Big Cass and notice Carmella glares at me the whole time. I didn't give her any shit because she doesn't like me.

"We are coming for a movie date and I guess you also coming for that. So it's a double date!" Big Cass smiles and nudges Carmella on the shoulder. She nods and gives him a fake smile.

I grit my teeth and give a fake smile to Seth when he holds my hand. We go inside the theatre and it is early enough so the lights aren't turned all the way down yet.

I sigh and sit beside Seth who is sitting next to Carmella. I am disappointed when I see Carmella here because I didn't come here to fight with her or see her boring face. I came here to spend some time with my princess alone.

After the previews ended, the lights went down completely. I mindlessly put my hand in the popcorn tub and look at Seth when our hands brush in the tub. We let our fingers linger on one another's as we look at each other in the eyes.

My fingers trail up and down on his hand until Carmella interrupts and calls Seth. I glare at her but she ignores me and talks something to my princess.

I didn't do anything much during the first half of the movie and notice Carmella as she tries to talk something to Seth but stops when she notices me. What is she going to do than talking shit about me?

Everyone goes outside during a short break in the movie. I turn my attention to my baby but Carmella grabs his hand as she stands up from the chair. "Come on, Seth. We will go outside." She pulls him up but I grab his other hand and shake my head to him.

He nods at me before turns to look at Carmella and says, "I don't want to go outside. If you want, just go with Big Cass. I'll sit here."

"Then I also sit here with you," She says and sits back on the chair. I grit my teeth to control my anger. I'm sure if she continues this attitude, I will lose my control and kill her here in this god damn shit theatre.

A few minutes later, everyone returns and the movie continues its second half. I grab myself a handful of popcorn and slowly eat it. It doesn't take for us to finish off the remaining popcorn and when it's done, I look around the theatre and find none of them watching the movie. They are spending some quality time with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

I look at my princess and lace my hand with him. He smiles at me and turns his attention back to the movie. I brush my leg against his nearest one as I trail my hand up and down on his thigh to get his attention.

As he looks at me, I lean over and kiss his lips before whispering against his lips, "I wanna fuck you so bad."

"What?" His eyes go wide because he hasn't expected that.

"I said I wanna fuck you so bad," I repeat and kiss him on the lips again. He shakes his head and leans back on the chair, "When's your birthday?"

"Why baby? Will you give yourself to me on my birthday?" I ask and my hand still running up and down on his thigh. He shakes his head but he doesn't know he'll spend his entire time with me on my birthday in my world.

"December," I say after a moment of trying to figure out why he asks this at this time.

"Why?" I ask when he doesn't say anything else.

"What's your age?" He asks instead of elaborating.

How can I tell this? This year I'll reach 201.

Instead of telling my real age, I say my age by cutting the zero in the middle. "This year December, I'll reach 21."

"Just 21, so we have enough time to fuck and get married." He says and turns his attention back to the movie. I don't know how to control myself over him and how to take him with me to my world.

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