III | New Friends

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As we got to the top of the road we noticed the angsty kid sitting with a fag between his lips.

"Sup neighbour" i said with an awkward smile.

"Oh.. im guessing your the new British guys who moved a few houses down"

"That'd be us" i said smilling "im kat"

"Frank" he replied shortly. "Well ill see you guys round.. im off to the mall"

"Same here" said my brother.

"Huh? Sweet. well since were gonna be seeing a bit of each other ill introduce you to my friends when we get there." He said taking another drag. That lip ring of his was hot infact this guy was just well.. hot. Very. Fucking. Hot. "My buddy Ray is picking me up. im sure he wont mind giving you a lift. he's an angel like that" frank said smiling proudly.

"Your not gonna kidnap us are you?" I asked jokingly.

"Hmm well we just might." He replied

"Ok then you angsty vampire lookin' kid" i said back.

After a few minutes of awkward chatting and finding out how dangerous the area is the mysterious ray arived in a nice black car and when i say nice i mean extremely hot looking. it was black and when frank held the door open for me and my brother the inside was so cosy with its black out windows and red outlined seats.

"Ray this is Kat and Frazer.. my new neighbours and there coming with us" frank said stepping on his fag before getting in Rays nice ass car.

"oh.. um.. sure?" Ray said. I could tell having strangers in your car would make you a bit unsettled so i didnt judge his uncertainty at all. I heard a sigh as frank shut the door to the passenger seat then Ray turned around. "Hey im Ray" he said smiling. From what i could see he was wearing baggy blue jeans held up by a belt and a Metallica band shirt. He seemed chill and friendlier than i thought. He was kinda like a muffin. His choice in bands was nice but the real eye candy was his hair. It looked so poofy and i was tempted to just go and touch it. He looked like he had very touchable hair what can i say.

After we introduced ourselves and blasted a shit ton of misfits through the car speakers we eventualy arived at the mall.

"Ok guys you can either do your own thing or stick with us for a bit.." frank said enthusiasticaly as he messed about with his lipring with his tounge.

"Well... I like the company so mind if we stick around?" I said eyeing ray as he parked the car close to the entrance. After he stoped the car he turned round.

"We'd be more than glad to have you" Ray said smiling before getting out.

we all walked the short distance to the enterance to be greeted by two simmilar looking kids. one had long, greasy, layered black hair that went just below his shoulders and the other one had quite long light brown hair with a peice going down the middle of his face meeting his black and white glasses.

"Kat, Fraser this is Gerard and Mikey aka the way brothers" Frank said pointing to each of them. "They look angsty and shit but ones scared of needled and the other beleives in unicorns"

"Hey" I said smiling. dam mikey had a nice jawline.

Frank touched my shoulder as the other three walked off into the mall. "C'mon gee promised to buy us all donuts and that now includes you" he said before running to join them.

I smilled as i saw them all goof around infront of me.

"Kat." My brother said pulling me back a little. "I know your happy about your new friends but please... be careful" he said grabbing my shoulders. "Also you go along with them... im totaly not gonna go get snake bites"

He let go of me and smilled as he walked in the opposite direction. "Kat come on!" Ray said smiling while signalling for me to hurry the fuck up.

new friends I thought to myself.

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