VI || Bleachers

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Last lesson was p.e and i had the honour of going into the girls changing rooms. yay for me. "Hey Kat! hows your day been!" squealed an all too familiar voice from behind me.

"Its been better than i thought" i said before turning around to see something... sickening? She was amist a large group of girls who all dressed similarly to her just a bit more slag-ish.

"You gonna play basketball with us sissy!"

Sissy? What the actualy fu- ah. rule number seven of the eden twins book of survival. Blend in until people dont care.

"Sorry i cant" i reply back "no kit" i see frank talking to some blond dude with a lip piercing as he makes his way to the boys changing room. From what i could see he seemed super pissed of as he scratched the stubble on his chin.

"Its ok. Next time we'll be on the same team!" Said caitlyn, the girly squeal on the end bringing back to reality and not to frank and his buddy. After that her and the girly posse proceded into the changimg rooms and frank looked up at me and smiled walking over.

"Hey kitty kat, girls giving you a tough time?" He said jokingly as the blond guy just kinda stood there.

i chuckled to myself "not at all... unless you count the one im related to" i said sighing.

"Oh yeah i forgot you had a sister.. oh and i forgot i had a bob!" He said as if he made the greatest realisation im the world. "Bob this is the girl, kat, i was talking to you about and Kat this is bob! The guy whos been in isolationand grounded for the past week because he well.. um... he has an offensive sence of humour and strict parents!"

"Ah. Nice" i said enthusiastically.

"Well... since your not taking part chill with us for the lesson on the bleachers"

"I shall." I said going into the changing rooms until the coach had done the register.

The girls went to warm up and i joined a lone ray on the bleachers. He was writing stuff down in a little black book.

"What ya got there fro fro" i asked sitting next to him.

"Oh.. hey and nothing just a bunch of stupid song lyrics nothing much."

"If you say so" I said laying my head on his shoulder just wanting to sleep and so i did.

I woke up apparently 10 minutes later and saw ray writng away at that book of his.

Someone take me to a doctor some one take me to a church whe-

"Morning sleepy head" ray said noticing my eyes were open. He closed his book and put it next to him as he stroked my hair. I looked up and the same thing happened again. Our eyes just locked and i mean it when i say i couldnt look anywhere else if i wanted to.

"oh um ray.." i said in a half whisper.

"mhmm" he hummed back.

"i text my parents and told them i was staying at some girls house for the night and there fine with it so i guess i will be coming to yours" i continued in my quiet voice.

His hands are so much fucking bigger than mine. My hands are tiny as fuck im suppried i can even play fucking guitar and shit with the size of these little things.. but moving back to the fluff... i felt his warm hand engulf mine at the same time as i saw that little smile of his. I felt safe.

"Hey love birds! Bob has alchohol and didnt tell us!" I hear a frank yell from the distance.

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