IV || School Sweet School

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I have school tommorow. I got Frank's number and he added me into a group chat where i got everyone elses number. Ray drove us both home that night and Fraser made his own way back. Im not ready for school. Id moved school once in the past and i hated it and now i was moving to school in america and honestly the shit i saw on TV about school her scared the shit out of me even though u knew it wasnt true.

~ Frnk sent a message ~

frnk: Hey Kat wanna walk to school with me tommorow

I stared down at my phone in my new comfy loft bed and pondered it for a moment.

Kat: Sure! Im down.. what time?

Frnk: 6:30 sound good for you

Kat: sure

Frnk: nice ill come nock round then :)

Kat: ok im gonna try sleep early, gn!

Frnk: sweet dreams!

And with that i closed my phone. My new room was comimg along nicely. I had a double bed in the middle with string lights on the headboard a grand ass wardrobe with draws and a dresser with all my makeup, jewlery and what not. Everything was white but i was promised to have my room painted dark grey which i was very happy about and i thought the mix of colour would be nice.

I rested my head and hugged my toy sheep as i drifted off to sleep.

*alarm goes off at 5*

i sighed at i set my phoneon snooze. It was alot earlier than i was used to.. that ontop of the jetlag i was experiencing. My alarm went off again 5 minutes later and i decided to just get it over and done with. I went to the bathroom and did my morning stuff after basic morning bathroom deeds it was a splash of cold ass water to wake me up and face cleanser to make my skin feel smooth and shit.

After i went into my room and sat on my chair infront of my dresser. i put on a bit of concealer where it needed to be. Drew on some symetrical brows that complimented my very light nude eyeshadow and grand ass fucking wings with my eyeliner. Cute i told myself in my head. I brushed my hair and put it in a neat bun. i then worse black skinny ripped jeans, a stripy black and white top and denim jacket and put on some black socks because authors seem to forget about the socc. socks are important fellow writers!

I went to wake my brother up and joined my sister downstairs who had already gotten ready and made cereal.

"Yo" i said to her grabbing a spoon.

"Are we walking together" she said wearing a dark blue jumper with a white blouse underneath along with black skinny jeans. it sounds like shes wearimg nerdy shit but ngl she was cute. Mom and dad left the house after informing the first one awake which in this case was Caitlyn. They then left us with $10 each everyweek for school. i grabbed my backpack and just eat my cereal as i waited for frank and as if on time i heard a nock at the door. fanfics have there way of making things work.

"Hey Kitty Kat" greeted frank with a tiny bit of red eyeshadow smothered around his eyes.

"Kitty Kat? Really Fwonk?" I said giggling.

"Yuup and fwonk wont stick by the way"

"Wont stop me from trying"

"Of course it wont, now c'mon we cant keep hell waiting how can we sugar" he said with his hands in his pockets.

~ time skip because trust me you dont wanna hear frank rant about how hot gerard looks in the changing rooms ~

So this was it. My first day at school. Turns out frank likes to get here way to fucking early but it gave me enough time to get my schedule. I pushed my glasses up my nose and followed frank to the outside bleachers where we shared a cancer stick.. or three as we waited for the bell to go.

Lessons wernt to bad and people were kimd enough to show the new girl to where her classroom was. I had music with Ray 3rd. He ranted to me about how he didn't get to be in the same music class as the others but i smiled and reminded him that he had me.

There were eight practice rooms and two storage rooms. Two of the practice rooms had drums and the other 6 had amps and shit and two of those had computers for studentd to practice mixing and digital music. The storage rooms had leads, spare instruments, strings, tuners and whatever else people needed. There were enough people for two people per room and since ray had been working solo in his own room he now had me to work with!

Since i didnt bring my own instrument because i didnt know my lessons i borrowed a bass.

"So.. you play guitar then" i asked ray trying to break the awkwardness.

"A little bit of everything" he said smiling. dang. I loved that little smile of his.

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