XI || Stay Safe

464 14 18

KittyKat: guys who the fuck is vic fuentes?

Muffin: um hes in our music class... why may i ask

KittyKat: no reason gee... he just looks cute and gave me his number is all


FroFro: calm down frank.

frnk: hmmph

Moikey: guuyysss im bored come to ourrs.

KittyKat: im down.

I saw Frank getting in his car presumably to the Way household so i tapped on his window and asked for a lift.

We we'd been in the car jamming out to iron maiden and frank kept talking to himself in a low voice the entire time.

"What is it frankie?" I asked smiling while tapping his shoulder lightly so he wouldn't be distracted from driving. He looked at me and just smiled before h continued to bop his head back and forth to the music. I noticed his odd behaviour but i was getting a little worried. Frank was social and loud and crazy now acting like a boring old dad or something dropping his kid on the way to work, not saying that my best friend is my dad or that im his daughter... its a metaphor go with it!

"Frankkk" I winned playfully trying to get his atention once more "whats going on"

He giggled to himself and turned to face me for a few seconds. "Im worried kitty" he mumbled. I simply cocked my head in confusion as a response. "I just mean we all are, you know?" He responded again.

"Continue.." I pushed still confused.

"Look kitten just be careful around Vic." He sighed "none of us want to tell you who you can and cant hang out with, we're not those kind of people" and at this point he had my full atention. I was curious. "Its just Vic from what i know is actualy pretty cool its just his... friends you gotta look out for" Frank finished.

"Oh" was all i could come up with.

"Im sorry Kat." He muttered

"Its all gucci, im glad you give a shit" I replied giggling to try and bring the mood back up but we were already at Gerard and mikeys so we sat in silence until we got out.

We walked up to the dark blue door and frank nocked it a few times.

"Hoi" a lanky dude with messy hair in his face and unicorn slippers greeted us with a poptart dangling from his mouth. Mikey told us to go join Ray in his room while he tried to get gerard to step outside of his little underground cave. One of the first things i learnt about gerard was that his bedroom was located in the basement and he very rarely came out. Vampire much.

"Hey guys" Ray greeted stretched across Mikeys double bed. I forced myself under Rays arm and just laid down with him while frank tampered with mikeys clothes. I didnt want to know what he was doing.

"Oh.. something i dont know about kids" Gerard said leaning against the door frame looking at me and Ray. I simply sat up and lightly teased Ray for blushing.

"Not funny gee!" a red faced Ray exlaimed throwing a pillow at Gerard hitting him in the face.

A/N: okokok um.. hey... UPLOADING SCHEDULE SHALL BE..... like whenever i can because im usualy busy with crying eating and school (quirky right?) but like... thanks for reading tf? um.. shoutout to my spotify playlist thats in my profile description thingy... but something to do with the story.


ok wow. stay safe dont die.

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