X || The little shits

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I woke up and did my cassual monday morning ritual. Violently banged on my brothers door until we woke up then get myself ready. Today i kept it simple. ripped black jeans. Fitting black top and a dark red leather jacket. I put on some some simple makeup with barely noticeable eyeshadow, winged eyeliner and a nude lip. simple. I tied the top part of my hair up and went downstairs to make myself cereal before leaving to school with frank.

"Morning" I said greeting my sister who was halfway through her breakfast.

"Howdy" she shortly replied back and thats as much as we'd say to each other in the mornings.

I went in the garrage and packed my fender guitar for music, who i decided to name "little shit" because oh boy did i abuse the fuck out of that squire.

KittyKat: you fronk you ready to leave

frnk: hell yeah i am

And with that I grabbed my bag, tied my shoes and left to be greeted by my fellow neighbour.

The trip to school was fairly average. Frank telling me about a new song he'd learnt and him begging me to wait for him while he was in detention. The ussual.

First lesson was German and i took my ussual seat by mikey. "Yo mikes" I said nudging the confused looking kid.

"Mhm." he hummed back.

"Im borreeed" I whined not really knowing why i got his attention.

"Nice" He replied shortly.

"Micheal, Katerina!" Mr Fitz shouted seeing us talk to eachother.. well me talking to mikey.. I also hated people using my full name. Katerina just made me sound up myself or posh or fancy or something.

"Sup" I replied back to teacher. I could see mikey was awkward plus he didnt like attention and getting singled out in class meant attention so all i did was take it from him and i dont like attention much myself but i do like mikey alot so of course im gonna help him out.

"Katerina read everything of the board and translate it. Do that and ill give you a pass but just this once young lady."


I stood up not knowing a thing the old man was teaching us "um... something about a cake shop and how much it costs? Oh and um.. the chocolate cake is the most expensive and something about vanila..?" I replied unsurely

Mr Fitz just sighed and told me to sit down.

German was over thank fuck knows whos out there and i headed to music with Ray.

"Ok but.. bar 7th fret and see how that sounds" I suggested admiring Rays gibson.

He strummed his guitar and smiled in satisfaction. "Very good indeed." He said writing it down and that little book of his.

I spent most music lessons fucking about with Rays hair but was helpful as fuck when i wanted to be and have a fucking god like Ray compliment or aprove my idea meant alot to me and made me feel all happy.

"Hey Kat stay round mine on Friday like on your first day here, you know with the guys and everything" Ray asked setting his guitar down.

I giggled as i messed with his hair and leant on his shoulder "sounds fun fro fro" 

I ussualy stayed behind to help Mr Row pack up because he was actualy a pretty rad teacher and as i left i noticed a guy waiting outside the door.

"Hey Kat right" He said with his long hair falling over his eyes, a bit like gerards.

"The one and only" I said stepping to the side of him.

"Im Vic" he said smilling. Holding out his hand.

"Oh.. um.. hey" i said shaking it and after that he just walked off with no warning ignoring my few calls after him. I looked down at the hand he shook and holy shit. There was his fucking phone number. Holy shit this guy was smooth.

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