XXIII || We can take to the highway

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Myself and Ray walked infront of the boys hand in hand just talking.

Now me and Ray were by no means 'dating' we had just become close and honestly the feeling of holding someones hand just made me feel safe. Its knowing that someone wants to hold you and not let go until they know you can manage on your own. Once again.

It felt safe.

"Hey Kat" Ray said quietly to me so the others wouldnt hear. I hummed back in responce, appreciating the cool morning air. "You promise your ok with the guys hanging out with us?" He asked.

"Ray im fine, really." I told him and after that we didnt speak much until we got to the park.

Once there I spent a bit of time alone doodling in my notebook on the swings, as i do most mornings, until Mikey came and sat on the rusty swing next to me.

"Hey" He said rubbing his hands together. Ray and the other two were just talking on the playset where the slide and shit was.

"Hi" I responded not lifiting my head from my book.

"I... um.. I've missed you" He breathed out, fiddling with his sleeves.

"Sure you have" I said sarcasticaly under my breath. It was one of those thinking out loud moments. He wasnt supposed to hear it.

Mikey paused for a moment as if he was taken back. "Whats that supposed to mean" He questioned.

"What?" I said looking up to face him. He looked realy cold and shattered. "Oh.. um... your all busy with your own thing" I said shoving my notebook into my bag. "Im just letting you get on with your shit" I smiled.

"Wait.. no.. what?" Mikey blurted out all confused with wait to say. "Kat, we genuinly miss having you around" He rushed.

I hummed in responce, unziping my violin from its fat ass case.

"Kat, please... why would you think we wouldnt want you around." He said again, as if he was pleading for some kind of awnser. "Your like, one of the best things to ever happen to us!" He rushed again, raising his voice a little.

The others must have noticed because they came rushing over towards us.

Frank was angry.

Gerard was upset.

Mikey was confused.

Ray was unsure.

Nobody was happy.

The whole point of me leaving there lives was to make them happy and i thought it was working, whenever id see them or hear about them from Ray i thought they were fine. Mikey was improving at playing bass. Gerard was finaly clearing his shit up and was looking for art collages to join. Frank was getting constant sex from Jamia, who wouldnt want that!

I wanted them to be happy.

"Why arnt you all happy" I asked "none of you are smiling"

"Cause we fucking miss you Kat" Mikey finnaly screamed. This had probably been building up for a while but id never seen mikey, or any of them for that matter, this wound up. "You just left! One day you started to avoid us completely but the day before you were fine!" He continued to scream, flailing his arms to the point were Gerard had to physicaly hold him back.

"Fuck this shit" Frank muttered under his breath walking off. He just left. Turned his back and didnt look back.

I litteraly felt my heart shatter. It hurt. It was a feeling that i couldnt shake. Is this how they're all feeling now?

The Way brothers were at the other side of the park and Ray was just hugging on the floor.

I heard both mine and rays phones go off at the same time.

Message sent to "Family Friendly Group Chat" by frnk

Read on my screen. It had been ages since that Chat was last used.

Frnk: Ill be at the park in 5. School is off. Were going on a road trip.

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