V || Close to a Kiss and Sass

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We spent the lesson bopping to a few things but it was me mainly listening to ray play. Everytime he was stuck or couldnt get something watching him try was so.. inspiring! It was magical seeing him play and from what id heard walking through listening to the others he was one of the most tallented if not THE most tallented one hear.

At some point I tried to play All day and all of the night by the kinks on guitar but my guitar playing skills wernt exactly the best and infront of a fucking guitar GOD like ray i felt a little embarrassed.

"Hey mind if i help out a little" he said seeing my intense struggle.

"Sure, i could do with it" i said. He kneeled down behind he and rested his chin on my shoulder for a second. Just a second. He was close enough to the point where i could feel heat radiating off of him and it was kinda comforting. He held his hand in place on the fret board and got me to strum. It sounded good. we sounded good even if it was just the first few seconds of the song. He shuffled over a bit and grabbed the pick from my hand and told me to do what he just did. once again it sounded good. Really fucking good. I turned round to face him and he did the same. as if this entire fanfic was planned to have a cheesy face to face moment.. we had a face to face moment.

We were inches apart. His arms still wrapped around me and his guitar. "you sound amazing" he said in a low voice.. not an unussual low voice but a kinda soothing low

It was nice to have him there in that moment. "Thanks to you" i said still kinda feeling odd from his close proximity but hey. I wasn't about to go and complain. "Raymond, Katerina tidy up the bells going to go off in 7 minutes" our music teacher said causing ray to fall on the floor and me to just tilt my head and smile.

"Kaaat..eeerrrr..eeeee...na huh" he said giggling.

"shut up toro" i said playfully.

After maths i had art with Gerard. I had a little artistic ability but i sure as hell wasnt the best at it and it was either art or business for me. Our teacher was super chill and nice and put on music as we worked. She also let me sit next to whomever i wished too and i obviously chose Gerard. we had to sketch a cottage and then add on our own twist to it... that was all the informatiom we received.

I decided to do an old cottage that looked as if it could bearly hold itself up. there was a hole on the left side of the roof and had mushrooms and other shit growing inside of it.

I glanced over to an overly focused gerard and saw a really nice looking cottage with flowers blooming everywhere and a healthy forest surrounding it but also.. a muderer who killed seven little dwarfs. It was very detailed to say the least and dam was he a good artist.

"Like what you see?" He asked.

"Eh.. its alright" i said sarcastically.

"I know... could do with actualy tallent being poured into it" he said indicating over to my work.

"Hmm... your right maybe i could make this mushroom a little bigger.. the size of your ego will do" i said cheerfully causing gee to sneer

"Dont try out-sass me sugar. It doesnt work out well for anyone." He said not taking his eyes off of his work.

"I can try cant I." I retorted

"i wouldnt recomend it but hey.. be my guests" he said packing up his stuff and leaving as the bell went before i could get another word in.

I made my way to the luch hall alone thanks to gee and sat between Ray and Mikey on the round tables.

"Hey Kat will your parents be good with you sleeping round mine tonight" ray asked.. smiling with that stupid fucking day brightening smile.

"um.. just you and me?" I asked back

"And these guys of course!"

"Oh.. um.. sure ill ask." I said smiling back.

After everyone eat and by eat i mean shared round a fucking apple we decided to go to the old basket ball courts since apperently nobody ever went up there unless they wanted to be alone or make out. Perfect.

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