XIX || Overdose

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I grabbed my long ass puffy coat and ran into franks car so we could head to the Way household and from what mikey told us, it wasnt good.

Six minutes of dangerously fast driving he pulled up to there house and just as mikey said, the door was unlocked so we let ourselves in and went down into gerards basement.

Frank went in first and i followed shortly after.

"Gerard look, just a few more sips. Please" Mikey begged holding a glass of water as gerard layed in bed all pale and sweaty.

"Buut i dont wanna" Gerard replied enthusiastically yet he was tired out and his voice was hoarse. "Seriously little bro, im finee" he continued.

"Look gee," Mikey said turing round shooting me and Frank a quick smile "Frank is here"

"Just frank...?" Gerard asked

"Yeah and he's gonna take over for a bit. Okay?" Mikey said as he tapped frank on the shoulder and pushed me out of the room

"what" Frank managed to whisper but mikey replied by slamming the door with his foot.

Mikey held my hand and dragged me upstairs into his own room and did his best to explain what was happening. Gerard was high. That bit was obvious but the heartbreaking thing was that he almost overdosed. He almost killed himself.

Going to the hospital wasnt an option. He would be arrested before being released.

"Why" I asked mikey, trying to show as little emotion and reaction as possible.

He sighed into his hands "I wish i knew Kat, I wish i knew"

"Also... why didnt you tell him i was there" I pushed, wanting awnsers.

"Hes been beating himself up about what he did to you and is shit scared of going near you just incase you hate him" Mikes breathed out.

I let out a small quiet laugh.

"I could never hate him mikes. I love him. I love all of you but... yes im anoyed but i dont hate him for it"

"Thats your call" Mikey said wrapping his arms around me. I felt safe so i did the same in return.

The fact that i could have lost Gerard tonight didnt settle in properly and i didnt really know how to react but Mikey could have lost his brother and i was gonna be there for my best friend.

"Hey mikes" I whispered. He nuzzled his head in response "what if we stayed at mine tonight, maybe get Ray over and just kinda chill."

"You know what Kat, that would be nice" he softly replied. I could feel him smile into my neck.

We sat down on his bed together and stayed there for about three solid hours just appriciating eachothers company.

"Hey Mikes" I asked shifting closer to him.


"I dont know.. the silence it was just stressing me out and-"

"Kat!" Mikey interupted. "Its fine. Your stressed" he said rubbing my shoulder gently.

"Im going to get you some water and im gonna check up on gee and frankie. Kay?" He said getting up.

"Okay. Thanks mikey" I said giving him a soft smile.

"Anytime" He smiled back.

About twenty minutes later i heard alot of yelling and odd noises coming from downstairs.

I didnt wanna go down but at the same time not knowing what was going on was killing me.

I tiptoed downstairs and listened carefuly from the steps.

"You dont have to call for a fucking ambulance!" Mikey yelled.

I heard a loud groan from Frank "Mikey he needs professional help not sleep and water!" Frank Argued back.

"Yeah well im not having him loose his teenage years in rehab" Mikey retorted.

"Guys you need to calm down! This yelling isnt helping Gee at all! What he needs is for you two to calm the fuck down." Ray hissed. When the fuck did Ray get here. "Im checking up on kat" He said storminv out of the room leaving the other two silent.

"You heard then huh?" He said noticing me instantly on the stairs.

"Is he okay?" I asked wasting no time.

"Hes fine kitten, just a little stressed and out of it but hes fine"

thank fuck for that.

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