XXVI || Our little secret

382 15 27

Can I kiss you

Can I kiss you

Can I kiss you

I was a little taken back by Mikeys question. Its not like I was completely opposed of the idea of kissing mikey because as he knew to me, a kiss was a kiss, no big deal but I had just felt as if i was getting a little closer to my former best friend again and I really wasnt in the mood to fuck things up.

"I mean.. um.." I stattered feeling a lump form at the back of my throat. "Why.." I finnaly managed to choke out.

"Because youre fucking perfect." He said brushing a peice of my hair behind my ears "and Honestly kitten if I get to kiss you just once im my lifetime id be the happiest kid alive..." He smiled clearly in a world of his own. It was cute. I missed mikeys smiles. "But getting to call you my friend and hold you in my arms is enough, re-"

I cut him off by swinging my arms around his neck and kissing him and to no suprise he kissed back. No strings attached.

Yeah right.

We pulled away for air and stared into each others eyes and let out small sniggers.

"Hey love birds." A bored voice called from a tree behind us.

"Gerard what the.. how long have you.. what!?" I rushed, his words making me jump a little.

"Frank and Ray found the Den. I used my GPS to find you" He explained. "And has my little brother got himself a girlfriend?" Gerard teased "you sure Frofro wont be jelous?"

"Piss off Gee" Mikey yelled sarcastically towards his older brother. "No strings atached. Right Kat?" He said looking over to me.

"Yeah" I responded.

"Well pack your shit" Gerard saif gesturing to my violin "Dont keep the other two waiting too long"

I nodded and rushed to leave.

Kissing mikey felt wierd. I dont know why though... I've kissed plenty of boys and girls and its never felt like... well that..
It wasnt wierd in a bad way just different to what i was used to I guess? Either way I needed to continue through this day as if it hadnt affected me.

"Hey Kat..." Mikey Said nudging my arm lightly snapping me out of my thoughts "im sorry i shouldnt have asked especialy since gerard isnt over you and weve only just started talking to each other and I guess i just felt-"

"Mikey..!" I interupted.

Gerard was walking a little ahead of us so he wasnt really within hearing distance.

"Sorry ill stop rambling" He sighed looking down at his boots.

"I just... dont tell Frank or Ray and get Gee to do the same? Frank is still probably immensely annoyed at me and i dont want Ray to start getting protective" I mummbled.

"Deal" he smiled.

A/N: Hello!!! This is the shortest and probably my least faveorite chapter.... other than 32... Chapter 32 is just sad :(

But ill probably change and edit this im the near future?


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