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NAME: Kasai

SURNAME: Todoroki

AGE: 15 - 16

HEIGHT: 5'5"

FAMILY: FATHER - Enji Todoroki
MOTHER - Rei Todoroki
O. BROTHER - Touya Todoroki
O. SISTER - Fuyumi Todoroki
O. BROTHER - Natsuo Todoroki
O. TWIN BROTHER - Shoto Todoroki

LOOKS: Fair skin. White straight hair that reaches her upper back, bangs in her face; though it's tied in a ponytail. Turquoise colored eyes. Slight curves and feminine body. Muscle tone on her arms and legs. Medium chest size.

OUTFITS: NORMAL - Whatever she finds comfortable.
ACADEMY - Classic female uniform with the addition of spandex shorts, black knee socks, and black and white vans.
FITNESS - Standard UA athletic uniform with the addition of her black and white vans.

QUIRK: Holy Fire - It's basically the ability to produce, and manipulate, fire at her will, and has the ability to use with both defensive and offensive techniques. But with white flames. She tends to be immune to other types of flames as well. (She tends to make her hair into fire for fun).

SIDE EFFECTS: Higher body temperature. Overheating. Faster burning metabolism, has to eat more than the average.

WEAKNESSES: Umm...coldness? Whatever is the opposite of high temperature fires! So ice, water?

HERO NAME: The Blazing Hero - Solar Flare

HERO COSTUME: White, and silver, body suit. The suit is sleeveless on the right arm, and the left leg is also cut off. She's wearing white, shin length, boots. On her waist is a utility belt. For a weapon, she carries two hilts which she can use her flames to create blades of fire.

PERSONALITY: Hot tempered when poked at, but is usually perceived as calm

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PERSONALITY: Hot tempered when poked at, but is usually perceived as calm. Confident, somewhat arrogant. Careless about what she does. Cunning, a rule breaker. Intelligent, observant of her surroundings. And bluntfully honest, doesn't care if her words hurt. Slightly narcissistic. Self depreciating and self destructive. Seeks and aims for approval by overworking herself. Has some sense of anxiety. Becomes guilty when people get hurt because of her. Depressed, will talk down to herself and feel unworthy, tends to be alone. She's complex.

LIKES: Being enigmatic, a mystery to people. Breaking the rules. Showing off in a smirky cool way. Fighting.

DISLIKES: Losing. Showing weakness. Going home. Being underestimated. When her father favors her brother. Hating that she dislikes her brother.

HOBBIES: Breaking the rules. Arguing with people. Lighting things on fire. Smoking (yes, I know it's bad). Getting into fights.

SKILLS: -Decievement
- Hand to Hand Combat/Strength
- Observation
- Intelligence/Strategies
- Endurance
- Flexibility
- Weaponry

WEAPONS: Fire Blades

BROTP: Momo Yaoyorozu

OTP: Hmmm....not telling.

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