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Kimberly ❤️

Kill me now why don't you. Here I am...in AT&T stadium. This time with all 6 kids. All who are excited to watch their dad play.

I think I'm the only one here who could really give a damn.

All of them sporting Prescott #4 jerseys with jeans. Some black, some blue.

Jayden held Cameron on his right side. She entertained herself with his phone while we waited along the sideline.

Monica was here with 15 year old Landon, 11 year old Eliza and 3 year old Rachel. Eliza was chatting it up with Nicole. They're like best friends. Landon talked Football with Jaylen and Jordan while Elijah was leaning against my left side. I run my hands through his curls.

My 10 year old curly headed, soccer playing baby boy. He's getting so big. They all are.

Monica had Rachel in her arms. I was just standing here with a Cowboys shirt, a black leather jacket and gray jeans. With black Jordan's.

We watched as the team was warming up. Throwing a couple passes to one another, some stretching. All jamming to the music the stadium is playing. Which is Drip Too Hard by Lil Baby right now.

Shortly after, Zeke came over. He came over and high fived the kids. He took Rachel from Monica, giving her a kiss on the lips. She smiled, holding her hands to her cheek. He then kissed Eliza and did his handshake with Landon. Then he kissed Monica, her wishing him good luck.

Soon Dak came walking over. He took Cameron from Jayden, kissing her cheek as she giggled. He high fives the kids, kissing Nicole's forehead.

"Yo, tell her to stop growing man." Zeke said, shaking his head at Nicole.

Nicole laughed, hugging Zeke.

"Hey Uncle Zeke." She said.

"Hey Nic." Zeke said.

They pull away. He then playfully punched Jayden and Jaylen.

"Ow!" Both exclaim.

"Shut it up. If any boy is flirting with her, I want you to beat they ass. You have my full permission." He said.

Both nod.

"You two as well." He said, pointing at Jordan and Elijah.

"Of course." Jordan said.

"That's what I'm talking about." Zeke said, high fiving Jordan.

"I don't appreciate you influencing violence on my kids Zeke." I say.

"You would." He said.

"You right." I say.

He laughs, hugging me. I watch as Dak shakes his head, holding Cameron in his arms.

"Hey guys, can we get a picture of you all?" One of the camera guys asked.


"Of course." Dak said.

Him and Zeke squat down with the girls between their legs. I hand Dak's agent, Todd, my phone as I stand behind Nicole with my hand on her shoulder. Monica did the same with Eliza. The rest of the kids stood in between us. The guy took a couple of pictures and Todd did the same.

Once done, Todd handed me back my phone. I thank him. He nods.

"Alright. Game time in 30 minutes." Zeke said, handing Rachel back to Monica.

Dak kisses Cameron one more time before handing her to me. I held her on my right side, kissing her cheek.

"I'll see you guys after." He said.

The kids nod, wishing him luck. Then Todd leads us up to our suite.


"Is it yummy Cam?" I ask.

She nods, looking down at the field through the glass.

"Yeah?" I say.

She nods again.

"Such a big girl. Eating all by herself." I say.

She comes over to me, groaning as she tried to get into my lap. I pick her up, sitting her on my lap. She kicked her feet around as she sang to herself, watching the game.

"Whatcha singing smiley?" I ask.

She shrugs. I chuckle.

There was about 3 minutes left in the 4th quarter. But once the clock hit 2 minutes, we were on our way down to the locker room.

We waited outside the locker room for about 30 minutes. After that, players started leaving. A few of them walked out, meeting with their families. I stood with Cameron on my right hip, smiling as she played in my hair. I talked to Monica, who was standing on my left side with Rachel on her left hip.

"So what time is the party starting tomorrow?" She asked.

"5:00." I say.

She nods.

"That's a doable time." She said.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Like crap." I say.

"Is it Dak?" She asked.

"How'd you know?" I say, grinning.

"You're my best friend, how could I not know." She said.

I laugh.

"You're right." I say.

We talked for a little bit more, waiting for Dak and Zeke to come out.

"Mom, my stomach hurts." Nicole exclaims.

"I think I have something for it." I say, about to dig through my small purse.

"No. It hurts like really bad." She said.

I furrow my eyebrows. It then hit me, but I needed confirmation.

"Where exactly are you hurting?" I ask.

She points to her lower abdomen. That's when I knew all too well, she's experiencing her first ever menstrual cycle.

Oh goodie.

"Okay." I say.

I turn to my 4 boys, minus 1.

"Can you guys wait for daddy and Uncle Zeke with Auntie Mo while I go to the bathroom with Nic?" I say.

They all nod.

"Good. Behave yourselves. Especially you Jordan. I'll be right back." I say.

They all nod again as Jordan smirks at me. I shake my head, walking to the bathroom with Nicole and Cameron.

We all go into the big stall. I put Cameron down. I take a pad out of my bag. And for the next 5-10 minutes, I walked my 12 year old daughter through the process of the menstrual cycle.

I gave her a couple pills and let her finish my bottle of water. I then make Cameron go potty because I do not feel like stopping on the way home.

We were soon leaving the bathroom. On the way back, we saw Dak and Zeke. Cameron escapes my grip, running straight for Dak. She clings onto his leg, looking up at him.

"Hey baby girl." He exclaimed, picking her up.

Nicole walked beside me as we continued our way to them.

"Where'd you two wander off to?" Dak asked, looking down at me.

"The bathroom." I say.

He nodded, not further questioning it.

We all talked for a while more, before deciding to go and eat. Once deciding on Olive Garden, we were making our way there.

A little pre-birthday dinner for the twins.

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