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Rachel 🥰. She definitely takes after Monica.

Kimberly ❤️

Me and Monica walked around the mall with several bags. We just came from the spa, which were the best massages ever.

"Those massages were well needed." I say.

"Keep preaching girl." She said.

I grin. We made our way to the food court. We sat down for a while to catch our breaths, then made a decision on what to eat.

"Johnny Rockets sounds like the move." She said.

"Johnny Rockets it is then." I say.

I ask her what she wants then make my way to go and order it.

About 30 minutes later, I'm walking back to our table. On the way back to our table, I make eye contact with someone. The person looks oddly familiar though. I shrug it off and go to sit down.

"So...are you and Dak..." She asked.

"No." I say.

"Oh." She said.

"We're working on it though. It's gonna take quite a while to get back where we were, but we'll get there." I say, eating a few of my fries.

She nods.

"Just let him know that if he fucks up again, I'm coming for his head." She said.

I laugh.

"What is with you two?" I ask.

She shrugs.

"He stole my best friend from me. My best friend is my best friend and she belongs to me. He's just the side piece." She said.

I laughed out loud.

She is too much.


"What do you think is happening at the house right now?" Monica asked.

"You ever seen that episode of Spongebob, where there was like hundreds of him running around while the place was on fire?" I say.

She chuckled.

"That's what I imagine. My kitchen on fire while the kids run around like headless chickens with Dak, Zeke and Dell trying to stop the girls from crying." I say.

"I can see Zeke as one of the kids running around." She said.

"You get the gist of it." I say.

She laughed out loud as I drove on the highway with my left hand, my right hand under my chin.

"You're such a cool mom. How do you do it Kim?" She asked.

"I just think about what my mom didn't do." I say.

"Well shit. You're doing a great job." She said.

I smile. I stop as I pull up behind a black Jeep in traffic.

"Thanks Mo." I say.

"You're welcome." She said.

For the next 20 minutes, we sang along to songs playing from my playlist. And an additional 15 minutes to that, we were pulling up to my house.

I pull into the driveway, stopping the car.

"Let's go see what my house looks like." I say.

She laughs as she opens her door. I get out, going to the back seat to get my bags out. I then lock the car, following her to the front door.

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