Chapter 3

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Ed sheeran perfect!

I'm in a taxi to the doctor. I can't believe I'm going back to that place. I pray to God I don't see that hot annoying perfect eyebrows doctor I saw the other day.

He is rude and I don't like rude people.

I walked to the reception area and filled out a form. I then followed the nurse into the doctor's office.

"Um...excuse me" I said and she turned around to face me.

"Yes?" She questioned

"Please don't take me to the rude doctor" I pleaded

"Which one?" She laughed hard. "Oh you mean Doctor Shane?"

"I don't know his name but damn that guy is rude"

"Must be him. I'm sorry but morning shifts are all his" she shrugged and started walking and I followed behind.

"Shit" I cursed under my breathe and saw her laugh. She heard me.

"Here" She held the door open for me.

"Save me" I cried out

"Stop it" she laughed and walked away.

I walked inside the now familiar room. It looks exactly the same as it did last time I was here. Except...oh no.

There he was with a pen in between his full pink lips. He had earphones on,barely noticing me  staring in awe. How can someone be this good looking?

Its unfair.

I watched as he tapped the paper with his finger. What music is he into?

Must be some stupid loud metal music.

I should clear my throat or something.

I cleared my throat and was annoyed when he didn't look up.

I clapped my hands.. Nothing.

You have  got to be kidding me.

I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

He looked up to me with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What the hell?" He pushed his head back and studied my face. His expression changed as soon as he realised who I was.

"You!" His eyes changed colour. Is that even possible?

"Uh yes" I stumbled back a little.

"Who told you to come in here?"

"Uh" I stood there still gawking at the masculine monster.

"Is something wrong with you?" He glared at me.

"The uh...nurse let me in" I stuttered.

What's wrong with me.


"I'm sick"

"Again?" He casually laughed

I rolled my eyes


"Lose that attitude please"

Something in the way he said that made me tick. How dare he? Nobody talks to me like that. I mean my father does but that doesn't mean I like it.

I placed both my hands on my hips. "Don't tell me what to do" I spat

"Or what? He challenged me

"Or I'll wring your ears so hard they'll look like a tomato"  I mentally praised myself for this awesome come back.

"Go on" He walked up to me and stopped just a few inches away. " wring my ears"

I swallowed hard. "Don't tell me what to do" I rolled my eyes

"No do it. You wanna wring my ears, don't you?"

Do it. Do it, Christian.

I reached for his ear and he didn't flinch or move a beat. I wrapped my fingers around his soft ear and...twisted. Hard.

His ear turned pink instantly. I stepped away from where I was standing and sat down.

Why is my heart racing? Why am I so...satisfied?

"That was very brave of you" He smirked. "Not many people would do that, you know? People are afraid of me"

"You don't scare me" I stared at him and he stared back.
We remained like this for a minute and then he said, "I like you"

I  don't care.

"Anyway" I moved uncomfortably on the chair. " I was here last week. Do you still remember which medication you gave me?I asked

"Let me check your file" He called the reception. A few moments later the same nurse who walked me in here  walked in and handed him the file. She winked at me and left.

Take me with you. I wished.

He retrieved pills and two bottles of cough mixture, wrote a note, carefully packed the contents into a plastic bag and handed it over to me. "Looking forward to hearing from you miss..." He eyed my file before finishing his sentence then said, "Miss Dube"

I took the plastic from his hold, my fingers brushed his, sending a weird sensation down my spine, up my head... Just all over my body.

I cleared my throat and walked out.

Wait? What did he mean by 'looking forward to hearing from you?'

I shrugged my shoulders. He is  crazy.

Crazy hot. I admitted.


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