Chapter 15

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Hello everyone. Thank you so much for reading my story.


Just finished writing my first final exam paper. I can't believe the year is almost over. I was writing English paper was the easiest English paper I've ever written. If I keep at it like this I'll be able to pass and hopefully get a bursary.

"I saw you smiling when they handed us the Question papers" Gift gushed next to me, "must've been a good paper for you" he rolled his eyes.

I laughed, "it was easy for all of us, you included" I playfully slapped his arm.

"Not as easy as it was for you. I need a drink, a cold drink to calm me down" He winked, " we should go check out that new spot down the road"

"Let me invite Zoe" I scanned the area for a familiar bad ass. I spotted her making her way towards me, us. I mean Gift and I.


You get my drift.

"You guys are like best friends now. Wherever one of you is, the other is right there too" she blushed.

"Shut up" I teased. "We're going to check out that new spot down the road. You coming?" I asked her.

She is absentmindedly pressing her phone, barely heard a word I said.  "Zoe"

"What?" She looked at me then back at her phone. "I'm tired, I need a nap" she finally said. "Raincheck?"

"You've been neglecting me a lot lately"

"I'm sorry. I will make it up to you, okay? Now go on you two. Have fun on my behalf" she winked at me before strolling to the other side of the road.

I turned to Gift, "we still on?"

"Yes" He dragged me to the new hotspot for high school kids down the road.
It's a beautiful place with a modern type of feel to it. There's free Wi-Fi, food, not free, and drinks. I will definitely love it here.

We sat furthest from the door. We checked out the menu. It's so colourful and pretty. I don't know what to order. I finally decided on chocolate cup cake and a thick strawberry milkshake. I have a sweet tooth. Don't judge. Gift opted for chocolate milkshake and a red velvet slice of cake.

"We're practically killing ourselves with all this sugar" He took a huge bite of his cake, " it's worth it" He hummed a random song. " death by sugar " He laughed.

He is really cute.

And super nice.

We've been studying together and hanging out at the park a lot lately. He has been really good company. I barely had time to cry my eyes out over the  whole breakup and wedding thing.

My life's pretty messed up. I never in a million years thought I'd get married at 18. I was always the dreamer of the bunch. The smart one. Now all I am is just another young foolish girl who is throwing her future away.

It really hurts to know that I will never amount to anything. My peers are talking varsities and getting jobs and I'm here thinking of my wedding dress and what food will be served.

I don't even know what menu to choose. I haven't started planning or purchasing anything. I'm procrastinating the whole wedding thing. I think maybe if I delay it for so long, my father will hopefully forget and let it go.

Knowing myself and how unlucky I am,chances of that happening are nonexistent.

"Earth to Christian"

I blinked a few times before realising that I'm day dreaming.

"You're crying" Gift said softly. "What's wrong?"

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