chapter 20

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I'm back in Jo'burg. I left  right after the whole fiasco with Shane. We haven't spoken in a while. He has been calling me for the past few days but I really don't feel like talking to him.

I have been studying like crazy. I'm getting really good marks on my assignments. Guess something good came out of this 'break up'.

I packed my books and placed then on the tiny counter next to my bed. I haven't had anything to eat in a few hours. I'm famished. I decided to go buy myself pizza. Just as I was about to leave, my phone rang.


"Hey babe"

" are you?"

I haven't seen Zoe in months. Last time I saw her was... I can't even remember.  We've both been busy with school and living our lives.

"I'm good and how are you, friend?"

She sounds drunk.

"I'm good. Are you okay?"

"Very" She laughed.

"Are you drunk?"

"Yes" She giggled again.


"I'm right outside your dorm. Come out  let me see ya"

I went outside and saw her leaning against a black SUV.

She ran up to me excitedly, with her arms ready to embrace me.

"I missed you" She squeezed me tightly. Her voice sounded strained.

She cleared her throat as she pulled away. Fixing her now blonde hair, tucking it behind her ear.

"You look good" She complimented.

Something is not right. Her eyes don't have the fire she possess. She looks very different. Her style of clothing was never this skimpy. She likes short dresses but not this short. She is practically naked.

"Are you okay?"

She closed her eyes and let out a loud sigh.


"Zoe"  A tall black man emerged from the SUV. "Times up" He said, firmly.

I looked at Zoe who was shaking... Trembling with fear.

She pulled down her short dress.  "I have to bounce"

"Zoe?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"I'll see you around" She casually walked to the SUV with her head held high. She glanced black at me and smiled.

Something is wrong. Something is seriously wrong.

I ran back inside and called Zoe. Her phone went straight to voicemail. My hands are shaking. I have to find her. I have to make sure she's okay.

She once told me she moved from the dorm and lives nearby. I've never been to her place before but I'll ask around. Someone has to know where my Zoe lives.

I took a taxi to the other side of town. It's a small suburb with beautiful flats. Small place like this, people must know each other.

I made my way to the first flat I laid my eyes on. Knocked on the hard wood door and waited for a response. An old white man opened the door with a bottle of beer in his hand.

"You're late" He snapped.

He must have me confused with someone else.

"Get in" He disappeared into the house.

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