Chapter 7

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I have been going crazy the whole day at school today. Couldn't even concentrate. I've been trying to put together an outfit for my date while writing and taking notes.

Its safe to say that multitasking is not for me.

I have no idea where Shane is taking me this time or how long we'll be out for. I would really like him to take me to a nice restaurant and just have a decent conversation without anyone getting offended or him getting annoyed with me.

The last bell rang signalling the end of the last period of the day. I bid Zoe goodbye and quickly made my way home. It took me fifteen minutes to get home. I found the house empty. Thank God.

I rushed to the bathroom, took a very quick bath then headed to my room to pick out an outfit. I opted for a short black leather skirt, paired it up with white spaghetti top and black pumps. I tied my hair into a bun.

Checking myself out I think I look pretty good.

Shane called and I locked the door and went out to meet him.

"Hey gorgeous" He greeted. He is dressed in black formal pants and a white shirt folded on the sleeves.

"Hey" I blushed.

"You look beautiful" he complimented and I smiled at him. We drove to a beautiful restaurant by the beach. This is a usual place for rich folks. Shane held out the door for me and I thanked him for being such a gentleman today.

The place is big with a marvellous seating area outside overlooking the beautiful waves. The wind feels good. Shane led the way to the side table.

A waiter appeared immediately and took our orders. I ordered roasted chicken topped with crispy French fries and he ordered Steamed Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab.

"How was your day?" He asked while slicing his crab.

"Was okay" I find it very hard to talk to Shane because I'm still In high school and he is a doctor. There's a huge age gap between us.

"Just okay?" He raised a brow at me. " Nothing interesting happened. it was just a normal school day" I elaborated.

"How is your cold? Are you well now?" He asked. Is it me or is he nervous?

This is awkward.

"Completely gone" I smiled.

"Thanks to me" he grinned.

"Oh please! You just gave me a few pills. Nothing special"

"My few pills helped you"

"A little, yes" I laughed

"Oh come on. Admit it"

"Admit what?" I played dumb.

"Seriously?" He smirked. And I stared at his perfectly shaped lips. Shane is really good looking. His skin looks very smooth.

"You helped me, Doctor Shane" I admitted and he blushed.

"You're beautiful" He said.

"Thank you"

"Very beautiful " He reached for my hand. His fingers brushed through mine and I shivered. Must be the chilly wind.

"Are you cold?" His eyes met mine. Locking me in place and holding me hostage. His gaze is so intense and mesmerizing.

I nodded. Somehow my voice is lost. How do I say yes?

"I'll be right back" He quickly left the table and then came back with a black soft jacket. He helped me put the jacket on.

"You'll feel better in a minute" He assured me.

Its getting late. I have to go home before my parents get back but somehow I can't move. We sat in silence devouring our desserts. Chocolate cake for me and vanilla ice cream for him. I watched him lick the tiny spoon with his tongue. I had no idea eating ice cream was this sexy.

"You're staring at me" his eyes met mine and for the second time today, I stopped moving.

"You're beautiful, Christian" His deep voice interrupted my thoughts.

I cleared my throat, "Thank you"

I had the urge to take the jacket off. I felt hot now. The wind was not cold enough.

"Are you okay" He asked and just before I said anything my phone rang.

Thank heavens.

'Hello' I whispered to the phone.

'Where the hell are you?' Phila's loud voice snapped me back to reality. 'I'm with Shane' I whispered.

'Oh? How's the date going? You kissed him yet?' She squirmed and I bit my lip. Silently praying that Shane can't hear anything.


'Why not? He is gorgeous. Christian that guy is hot. Flames' she dragged the word.

'Do you need anything?' I ignored her.

'Mom is back'

'Holy crap. What did you say to her?'

'I told her you are at Zoe's'

'And Dad?'

'Oh, speak of the devil. He just walked in. You better get here quickly' she hang up.

"I..." He cut me off. "You have to go?"


"Let's go then"

We walked to the car. We drove in silence. I watched his big hand cover almost half of the steering wheel. I swallowed hard. His presence is getting to me.

I couldn't keep still. I clamped my thighs together as I watch him lick his lip. I need to distract myself. I took out my phone and played candy crush. I lost a few games then gave up.

I cracked the window open for a bit of air. What is wrong with me. I followed his hand and watched him switch gears. I sat up straight and tried composing myself.

My entire being is begging me to turn and look at this glorious man beside me.

The car came to a stop.

"What's up with you?" He barked.

"Uh" I cleared my throat. " Nothing "

He got out of the car, walked to my side. Opened the door and pulled me out. He pinned me against the car and crashed his lips on mine. My breathing accelerated. He bit my bottom lip before pushing his tongue in, I tasted blood but the feeling was so good and pleasurable I let the torture continue. His hands travelled through my body, cupping my now hard breasts. He pulled me closer, pinning me against his hard erection. We are both panting now. He lifted my top and bent down and sucked on my breast. "Shane" I cried out.

He slid his hand under my skirt and panties. Gently brushed my wet area with fingers. I snaked my leg around him giving him enough room to move his fingers inside me.

He planted wet kisses on my neck.

"You feel so good" He said breathlessly before sliding a finger inside me. I threw my head back and took in the pain and pleasure of having Shane's finger inside me.

"You're so tight" He said. He pushed his finger in and out of me. The feeling felt so foreign and incredible at the same time.

I felt my body losing control, I felt a bit wobbly and drowsy. And in just a minute I felt my whole body letting go. Shane held me in place. Making sure I don't fall.

"Thank you" I whispered more to myself.

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